Actor Filip Čapka, who we saw in the popular series Ulice, decided to speak openly about his personal life. The talk was mainly about the breakup with the actress Zuzana Čapková, with whom he has a daughter, Anna. He did not hide anything and admitted that the time had come for a major life step, because his marriage, although it looked in the best order from the outside, was actually falling apart.
Čapeka claims that the main purpose of life is to be happy, even at the cost of breaking up with a previously loved counterpart. In an interview for the website Prož, the actor confided that the relationship with Zuzana was no longer working: “Our task is not to ensure that the other person is happy. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen, and even if it’s painful, we have to realize that everyone has the right to their own happiness.” According to him, the key to harmony is for each person to find their own happiness and inner balance. Only when a person is satisfied himself can he positively influence the people around him.
The actor also admitted that his desire for freedom and his “punk soul” played a significant role in the breakdown of the marriage. “When I got married, I wanted to make my wife happy. But over time it became clear that my inner need for freedom and independence collided with the reality of living together. All this then led to the fact that our relationship fell apart,” said Čapka. They say it was a really difficult and painful decision, but the desire for their own happiness won in the end.