What is tartar and how does it affect oral health? / Day

In this article, we will look at what tartar really is, how it affects our oral health, and how to effectively avoid it.

What is calculus?

Tartar there are deposits on the teeth. Tartar is formed when plaque builds up on the teeth and gradually hardens into a hard, yellow or brown layer. Poor oral hygiene and improper dental care are the main risk factors for tartar formation.

At first, plaque is soft and sticky and consists of bacteria, food debris and saliva. Such plaque can be easily removed by regular brushing with a toothbrush. However, if it is not removed in time, it hardens and tartar formation begins. This process begins as early as 24-72 hours after the plaque has accumulated.

The hardness of tartar is provided by the deposition of minerals, which makes it impossible to remove with ordinary brushing at home. Dental clinics use special instruments to mechanically remove these hardened deposits.

How does calculus affect oral health?

Tartar affects oral health in several ways. This can cause discomfort, pain and oral diseases.

Dental diseases

Tartar contributes to the development of diseases such as inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and periodontitis, because it creates an environment in which bacteria can accumulate and multiply. This can lead to receding gums or bone tissue damage, as well as infection in the gum tissue. That is why tartar is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a serious threat to the health of the oral cavity.

Pain and discomfort

Tartar can cause inflammation of the gums, which often leads to bleeding gums, swelling and discomfort. If the inflammation worsens, it can cause pain and increased sensitivity in the teeth. These symptoms are the first signal that the oral cavity has become a favorable environment for bacteria. If inflammation is not treated, it can cause pain, increased tooth sensitivity, receding gums and deeper tissue damage.

Bad breath

Accumulation of bacteria can cause an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, contributing to halitosis, or bad breath. Poor oral hygiene exacerbates this problem. Regular brushing and tartar removal are essential steps to prevent bad breath and maintain a healthy mouth.

Tooth damage

Long-term untreated tartar can cause enamel damage and receding gums, which make teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay and infection. In severe cases, this can lead to tooth loss and the need for dentures or implants.

How to recognize tartar and its symptoms?

Tartar is relatively easy to recognize. Red or swollen gums, bleeding gums when brushing, and mild discomfort or sensitivity in the gum area can be signs of tartar.

It can also be recognized visually. Tartar is a rough, yellowish or brownish layer on the surface of the tooth. Most often at the base of the tooth near the gums. The longer it accumulates, the more visible and darker it becomes. This is a signal that it is time to have a professional cleaning of the oral cavity to avoid serious consequences.

How to prevent tartar formation?

To prevent tartar formation, it is important to brush your teeth regularly and properly at least twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste and floss to remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas. It is also recommended to use an antibacterial mouthwash to help reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

Regular dental check-ups with a dentist or hygienist at least once every six months are essential to remove plaque and tartar before they can cause serious problems such as gingivitis or tooth damage. It is also important to pay attention to a healthy diet, reducing the consumption of sugar, because an excessive amount of sugar promotes the growth of bacteria, which is one of the main causes of tartar formation.

Tartar prevention – the way to a healthy oral cavity

To summarize, tartar can be a serious threat to oral health, contributing to gum inflammation, tooth decay and bad breath. Likewise this can cause toothache. Timely removal of tartar and regular visits to the dentist help prevent these problems and keep teeth and gums healthy. Take care of your oral health by visiting a dentist and dental hygienist at least once every six months. Such dental services as dental hygiene or express dental examination will help to prevent tartar formation in time.

Source: www.diena.lv