How do you know if your lungs are healthy? The reference medical test is the spirometry : carried out in a respiratory functional exploration laboratory, this relatively common examination makes it possible to measure lung volumes (that is to say: the quantity of air contained in the lungs) and expiratory flow rates (the flow rate of air expelled during maximum expiration).
An examination which makes it possible to diagnose asthma
Spirometry is used in particular to confirm the diagnosis of respiratory conditions: for example, asthma (in adults or children) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This medical examination, however, has some contraindications: it is in particular prohibited for people who have just undergone an eye (cataract) or throat operation.
In a video recently published on Instagram, Dr. Alexandre Mensier, who is a visceral and digestive surgeon (and who can be found behind the account @thefrench_chirurgien), offers a rapid test to assess lung capacity for free. Attention : it in no way replaces a real medical examinationand it is not equivalent to spirometry!
The principle: take a deep breath and hold your breath as long as possible while watching a small marble go down a scale from “smoker’s lungs” to “exceptional lungs”.
Quitting smoking is also good for the lungs
Although a smoker, Dr. Alexandre Mensier goes beyond the “athlete’s lungs” stage (the penultimate!), which corresponds to approximately 40 seconds of apnea. For your information, the world record for static apnea without oxygen intake is currently held by a Frenchman: it is 11 minutes and 35 seconds!
Does quitting smoking help you breathe better? Yes ! As the site states Tobacco Info Service“72 hours after your last cigarette, breathing becomes easier. The bronchi begin to relax and we feel more energetic. And 2 weeks to 3 months after the last cigarette, we regain our breath and walk more easily.“Another good reason to say “stop” tobacco!
Source : Instagram