In order for the celebration you are organizing to be successful and to cause a feeling of satisfaction and pleasantness among those present, the space for that celebration and its decoration are important. Furnishing space for birthdays and other celebrations is a long-term investment and we cannot drastically change its basic concept in accordance with our wishes.
That is why it is possible to adapt the space for birthday celebrations, corporate celebrations and other small or large celebrations to your own wishes with adequate decoration.
Everything can be rented
Trends in decorating clubs for celebrations and other spaces for birthdays, baptisms and other significant dates change drastically over the years. Fortunately, almost anything can be rented today. Starting from tablecloths and placemats, tableware and cutlery, chair covers, vases, candlesticks and other accessories for table decoration, to decorative lamps and ikebana made of silk or artificial flowers.
It is up to you to decide only about that will you handle the decoration of the space for the celebration yourself or will you leave this interesting job to the experts. Whether it is about the staff who organizes the celebration in the club or about professionals whose scope of work is exclusively decoration, it is certainly your desire and idea that defines the basis of the decoration plan.
It goes without saying that expert advice is extremely important. They can help with doubts and in eliminating possible mistakes, which are not only an unnecessary expense, but can also spoil the entire concept of decorating the space for celebrations.
The birthday club you chooseit goes without saying, it fits into your idea of organizing a birthday celebration, a ceremony or a corporate celebration. This also makes it easier for you choice of decoration and fitting into contemporary trends when it comes to this sweet little pain.
Reorganization of lighting
Let’s start with lighting, which is jone of the most important, if not the most powerful tools when defining and creating atmosphere in the space chosen for the celebration. Lighting chosen expertly and with a lot of attention can make even the most ordinary space magical and transform it beyond recognition.
Ambience lit so that it pleases the eye of those present, creating, for example, an intimate atmosphere (muted, warm light) or raising energy and encouraging fun (more energetic lighting), can be your ally in organizing a party. They are definitely “in” lighting installations – lanterns, hanging lamps, led strips, which are an excellent choice. Especially since they are easy to install, adaptable to different surfaces and offer a wide spectrum in terms of colors and when it comes to lighting intensity.
Lighting can focus attention at a certain moment or during the entire duration of the celebration, on certain elements in the space (art works, other artistic handicrafts), but also divert attention from something else. Certainly, lighting can create a fairy-tale atmosphere.
Warm colors
This is the year of warm colors, both when it comes to arranging the interior, and when it comes to the decoration of spaces for celebrating birthdays, baptisms, graduations… Everything is subordinated to warmth and providing a feeling of maximum comfort.
Natural materials are recommendedtextures of rattan, wood and stonesimple lines, visual unity of different environments. Thanks to the return of neutral colors – beige, brown, gray, white and black, they will breathe extraordinary liveliness and dynamism into the space, creating a dreamy atmosphere that has a calming effect. Earthy tones and the color of sand are returning, mustard yellow, rich shades of green, terracotta red is the center of attention, chocolate brown and the color of dark wine, which bring depth to the space… All of this encourages a sense of elegance, comfort and sophistication, in a space where there is places to experiment with brightly colored details.
Modern and rustic elements of furniture, often of unusual shapes, can be combined smoothly, and the decoration consists of textiles, lighting, living plants as an indication of a return to nature… Is there a better setting for a coming-of-age celebration, for example, than a harmoniously arranged space, in which every detail exudes functionality. And yes, minimalism is in trend again. The environment with rich accents of strong colors creates a feeling of peace, comfort, positivity, happiness, since colors evoke emotions in people. Therefore, it is justified to claim that both design and decorating trends in the year that has just begun are aimed at improving the mood.
Emotions in the interior are added, apart from colors, to other elements of decoration: coffee tables, artistic paintings, handmade objects, plants, decorative pillows, with the basic condition – respect for proportions.
Encourage and create a feeling of happiness and contentment
It is expected that in the year 2025 it will become particularly powerful dopamine trend. He made a living lifting last year interior design on a new level, and in the decoration of each space, even for rent. It brought a new dimension, to the satisfaction of everyone who attends a party in a cafe, restaurant or rental club.
The concept of dopamine decor, which is based on the idea that colors, textures and shapes directly affect our mood because they stimulate the release of the hormone of happiness, dopamine, it uses aesthetic appeal. To make them feel good, happier and more satisfied. And a man goes to cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs for rent, to parties and celebrations, precisely to truly relax, to come out smiling.
Classiness cannot be bought
This year natural flowers are particularly inspiring for decoration when organizing a celebration in the club. It is safe to say that no other item can successfully replace a natural flower, even if that item is made of the most expensive materials. It doesn’t have to be an overpriced rose or orchid. To celebrate a birthday in the club, it is enough to bring fresh fern or moss from the forest, willow twigs in bloom, garden flowers that grow in the area. And the club for birthdays, for example, will take on a special note that you have created yourself.
Maybe corporate celebrations require a little more involvement and, certainly, more expenses when it comes to natural decoration, but that is more a matter of the impression we want to leave, than it is about aesthetics.
In any case, classiness is not achieved exclusively by expensive details and rather depends on our inventiveness than money.