“Rutte tried to impose the Third War in Ukraine via Romania”

Călin Georgescu, the winner of the first round of the 2024 presidential election, annulled by the CCR, launched new criticisms of NATO and the EU in an interview with the far-right American conspiracist Alex Jones.

Over the course of more than thirty minutes, Georgescu combined partial information with conspiracy theories. Presidential candidate says election was suspended because ‘globalists’ feared he could be the person to bring peace to Ukraine, reports antena3.ro.

Furthermore, he asserts that the European Union is faking peace efforts, in fact aiming to perpetuate and expand the conflict. Because of this, they are trying to gain control of NATO before President Donald Trump is confirmed in office. Călin Georgescu described himself as “a whistleblower of integrity”, considering that he held a position within the EU and considers himself the sole holder of the truth.

The main statements made by Călin Georgescu in the interview given to the far-right American conspiracist, Alex Jones:

“I am proud to be part of the Romanian nation, to be Romanian, but we must also take care of humanity. I think that Romania demonstrated in the last month, a month since the coup in December, that we are not playing around, that we want our freedom and democracy back. We believe in God and earth, and I think it’s a precedent for all states that want to be free.”

“The first round of the presidential elections was on November 24, last year, and after the first round I was in first place, with 23-24% of the votes. Another person was a lady, in second place with 19%. Everything was fine, and the CCR, the secret services, the presidential institution confirmed the clean electoral process, that everything was ok, and on Friday, December 6, when the voting had already started outside Romania, probably more than 3000 people got to vote, in the after- at noon that day they simply canceled the election. The second round was canceled illegally and unconstitutionally. They stole the vote. They stole the vote and gave no explanation.”

“They say they suspect Russian influence in the election. In the latter part of December, in Brussels, the former president held a press conference and was asked if he had evidence, and he said there were suspicions, not evidence. And then why were the elections cancelled? And he said that investigations are continuing, but that there are suspicions.”

“It is a dangerous precedent not only for Romania, but for the whole world. They destroyed democracy. Romania is in a state of revolution because thousands and thousands of people take to the streets every day. People know that it was a coup, ordered from outside and implemented by the globalist and oligarchic system in Romania.”

“During the campaign I constantly promoted peace and to urgently stop the war in Ukraine.”

“(…)Of course I have nothing to do with Russia, I know some people there, scientists, not politicians. They went on alert when they heard the word peace because they need war. The EU is the political arm of the globalists and NATO is the military arm.”

“They are desperate for someone like me to stop the war in Ukraine. That’s the most important thing we discovered and exposed the corruption.”

“NATO took over US military leadership to help Ukraine. In other words, the most important thing to remember is that NATO is divided. President Trump wants peace, and they want to do something different, divide NATO, to control the situation in Ukraine. It’s a dramatic situation.”

“Beyond this very, very serious situation, it is also a precedent for the spirit of the Romanian people who are constantly on the streets and who defend our democracy and freedom. It’s a precedent for all nations around the world.”

“The situation in Europe is very difficult now because a lot of money has been invested in this war. But the tide is coming. I have seen the situation in Austria, in Croatia… it is important that the wave is coming and it will have a ripple effect not only in Europe but all over the world. I hope Trump takes action as soon as he is confirmed in office.”

“In my opinion, Zelensky won the PR war, but Putin won the real war.”

“They are desperate. I make a lot of mistakes. They are desperate to lose their positions and they know they have already lost. i know It’s only a matter of time until Romania and other countries will be free again. It can be seen with the naked eye everywhere. It is not easy to change the situation. I tell you honestly because they canceled the election in December that gave us, this great people, the power to be together again.”

“Alex, the most important thing is that we have to know that this situation is not from today. I want to remind you that the EU was born in 1945 with a clear goal: peace. I saw from the inside, as an integrity whistleblower I can tell you that the opposition in various meetings, public or private, formal or informal, was not real, peace was not really discussed. They invest heavily in wars everywhere. We are not only talking about Ukraine, there are many conflicts in the world, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia…”

“As an integrity whistleblower, I can tell you that the EU has never really discussed peace, but war. Behind the war is the financial banking system. Bankers have vested interests.”

“The Romanians exposed the corruption, they showed where we are now. And when we talk about peace, they don’t need that, the word peace alerted him, because they need war. I said I will be a president of the people for the people and they don’t need the sovereignty of the people.”

“We’re looking to President Trump to take action, to send a real signal everywhere that change has begun. Here we are, and there are many peoples coming. There are many countries in Africa that no longer want to deal with the colonialist system in Europe. Look what’s happening in Asia. You can see with the naked eye that people want to be free again.”

“I am accused of fascism, but the real fascists are the globalists. We can’t be stopped. It’s the snowball effect. I want to be a president of the people, for the people. They don’t need people in the voting process.”

“(…)They need people as slaves, dependent on wages. So, a change is needed. Every citizen should have the power to be free. As a final point, they, the citizens do not benefit from the love of the state. I’m an Orthodox Christian, Alex. We cannot lose our humanity. We cannot lose hope now and I hope the people will follow us.”

“And in communism it was the same. They want to control people, have people remain slaves, take a paycheck and do what they want. The world’s systems are wrong. We need to change systems not peoples. I wanted to change the economy, to expand private property everywhere, to give economic power to every citizen of Romania.”

“The people do not receive love from the state. I am an Orthodox Christian, God protects us and we believe in God, in the earth, we need love between us, we want to be together and the system divides us. I am proud that Romania is taking this step forward and I hope that the rest of the states will continue.”

“People will stay on the street permanently. They ask for the second round. Not only in Romania. I am in many countries in Europe, I have seen in Paris, in Rome, in Italy, in Holland, in Great Britain. Everywhere, Romanians are in the streets and demand their freedom with dignity.”

“The UN is almost collapsing and so is the Club of Rome. These institutions are already controlled by oligarchs. The UN has close ties with the IMF, what the IMF says is what the UN does. It’s their mechanism to impose poverty, smart cities, global warming. All these fires they say are caused by global warming are man made. The planet gives us everything we want, but it cannot satisfy our greed, especially the greed of the oligarchs who control the world.”

“Even justice is no longer just. The people and the pressure of the street will bring about change.”

“All I can tell you, but it won’t happen, but it’s dramatic is that they want to impose and start the Third War in Ukraine, and the gateway is Romania. Only from Romania can the situation in Ukraine be controlled. But the people put fear into the system. They didn’t believe that people could control the situation and that they could assert themselves to get their freedom.”

“The EU wants to control NATO before Trump’s confirmation. It is very dangerous, because NATO is already divided. Trump has made it clear that he wants peace. They tried to push as hard as they could to get out of Trump’s control.”

“Mr. Rutte tried to impose his rules and impose the Third War in Ukraine via Romania. They only have slaves in positions of power, otherwise there are very few leaders in the world now, in Romania they are only puppets, and now they want to impose the Third War in Ukraine via Romania.”

“Try to inform the Trump administration about the situation in Romania and that it is a risk if Romania becomes a gateway to this war. We must be united, especially on social media, thanks for the interview.”

Alex Jones, the American who interviewed Călin Georgescu, is the presenter of a radio show and owns the website Infowars. Known as a promoter of conspiracy theories and having extreme right-wing views, Jones asserts in his interventions that there is a new world order aimed at undermining the sovereignty of the United States and eliminating basic human rights.

Source: ziare.com