Asbestos in Viale Mazzini in Rai beyond the limits, smart working for employees: the company’s choice

The Rai accelerated the emptying of its historic headquarters in viale Mazzini in Rome, under renovation, due to the discovery of too high levels of asbestos in some of the floors already closed. Employees will be moved to smart working or, if otherwise impossible, to the future temporary headquarters in via Alessandro Severo.

Asbestos at Rai, employees in smart working

Rai has ordered that the employees who work in the central headquarters in Viale Mazzini be moved under the regime work remotelydue to excessive levels of asbestos being found in the building.

The communication of the presence of the dangerous substance came from Asl Rml, which intervened after the first floor of the building flooded. However, this is a precautionary measure.

Photo source: ANSA

The Rai logo in viale Mazzini

The first two floors of Viale Mazzini have been closed for some time for the planned event renovation of the historic Rai headquarters, dating back to 1957 and of great real estate as well as architectural value.

The new RAI headquarters

Not all employees will be able to be moved to remote work immediately. Some will be transferred to the new headquarters in via Alessandro Severo, in the Ostiense district, not far from Eur.

The structure had already been set up to house the RAI central offices 4 years, the time necessary for the complete renovation of Viale Mazzini, and is therefore equipped to accommodate at least some of the employees.

The issue of asbestos is central to the real estate project for viale Mazzini. Its discovery and cleanup also created some controversy among employees, who were worried about their health.

The renovation of viale Mazzini

The real estate plan for the Rai offices includes a complete renovation of the headquarters in Viale Mazzini. In addition to the asbestos abatement, a number of improvements will be made to the entire building.

The investment is considered important both from the point of view symbolic (the importance of this headquarters is such that Viale Mazzini is sometimes used as a synecdoche to signify the entire Rai) and from the real estate sector.

The redevelopment of the heritage real estate of Rai should help the company to better evaluate the potential of its offices and to decide, in the future, what their destination will be.


Photo source: ANSA
