Keep the documentation of the work carried out with the Superbonus in view of the checks by the Government for those who have benefited from the benefit.
When Superbonus checks will be carried out
It is not known when they will actually be carried out controls on the work carried out with the Superbonusbut since its entry into force it has raised strong doubts, highlighted, in no uncertain terms, by thecurrent Executive who, since his inauguration, has not failed to point out how the measure has created enormous problems in tax revenue.
But not only that.
Based on a series of studies carried out in these few years of operation of the tax benefit, a demoralizing picture has emerged.
In addition to the holes all state revenuethe cause of significant indebtedness, the Superbonus allowed the carrying out of operations smacking of fraud.
Checks on work carried out with the Superbonus – photo Getty Images
Hence the need to structure a series of checks and verifications for those who have benefited from the measure, especially in the alternative form, i.e. with discount on invoice o assignment of credit.
These operations, in all likelihood, will be the first to be placed under the magnifying glass of theFinancial administration and not only that.
Superbonus checks
The criticality caused by the Superbonus are the cause of almost certain control work that the Government is developing.
The checks can be carried out by sending compliance letters a:
- beneficiary taxpayers;
- technicianswho drafted the declarations;
- professionalswho checked the compliance of the entire operation, in order to allow the beneficiaries to obtain the transfer of credit in the Bank.
In some cases the controls may also be more incisive, through controls and on-site checkswith a inspection at the building or real estate unit subject to subsidized interventions.
In that case, the interested parties will be first be warned with a registered letter or with one certified emailwhich will indicate the date, time and person in charge.
Thorough checks on the work carried out through the Superbonus benefit – photo Getty Images
The check will take place with the presence of the taxpayer o dell’condominium administratorin case of interventions on common parts and possibly also technicians.
There may be more than one inspection and each will be the subject of a specific report.
The capillarity of controls is also made possible by the existence of various interested bodies and protagonists already for the completion and conclusion of the operation.
In fact, alongside theRevenue Agencyan important role in the control activity will be played by Aeneasfrom theNational agency for theenergy efficiency and also from Financial Police.
The importance of documentation for checks on renovations with Superbonus
In order to overcome The any checksyou need to get as comfortable as possible with the supporting documentation of the correctness of the intervention performed and the existence of prerequisites for usability of the deduction through credit transfer or invoice discount.
This is because the possible disputes they may concern the substance of the intervention but also the formality of the documentation.
In some cases, one is enough simple formal error to have the tax benefit denied.