IT service company Vincitin the board is going to be partially renewed.
The nomination committee of Vincit’s shareholders will present its proposal for board members and remuneration to the general meeting that will be held in March.
The nomination committee proposes that its current members be re-elected to the board Mikko Kuitunen and Arto Martonen. Kuitunen is the company’s largest shareholder and served as the company’s CEO until 2021. About the current members of the board Mervi Airaksinen and Frank Korsstrom however, have indicated that they are not available for re-election.
The nomination committee proposes that the new members of the board be elected with a master’s degree in economics Enel SintonenMaster of Business Administration Matti Copeland and Master of Science in Engineering Veera Siivonen.
Sintonen has worked of Enel Networks as CFO from 2022. Before this he has acted at PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as a partner, in several management positions and as the chief auditor of several listed companies.
Copeland on Taplow Finland shareholder. Copeland has had a long career in various roles, among others at Ernst & Young Oy, Baswaressa, at Deloitte Oy, Capmanissa and at Aura Capital Oy and in the banking sector Danish Bankissa, in Nordea and At Citibank.
Siivonen is an artificial intelligence management company Saidot Oy:n as commercial manager from 2023. Before that, he worked, among other things Terveystalo as a member of the management team responsible for consumer business and marketing, and Sanoman in leadership positions in strategy and marketing, among other things as an accelerator of Helsingin Sanomat’s digital transformation.
The members of the board elect the chairman of the board and a possible vice chairman from among themselves. Currently, the board is headed by Mikko Kuitunen.