There are quite a few drivers who install an LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) system on their car. The much lower price of gas compared to gasoline is the main factor that determines the switch to this type of fuel. But, after how many kilometers can the investment in an LPG installation be amortized?
With the increase in the cost of fuel, more and more drivers have installed an LPG system on their car.
Even some car manufacturers, such as DACIA, have installed such a system on some models, right from the factory.
But, do you really save money if you invest in an LPG installation and after how many kilometers does it pay off?
How can you install a gas system on a car?
The gas installation can only be installed on cars with a petrol engine.
Thus, there is the option of buying a vehicle that already has a gas cylinder installed from the factory. In this case, you do not need to do anything else to approve the installation.
However, if you want to install an LPG installation on a car that does not have this option, you have to go through several steps.
First of all, you must contact a company authorized by the Romanian Auto Registry to carry out such installations. Then choose the type of equipment, according to the budget and the size of the car.
„After the installation of the installation on the vehicle, the owner must present the vehicle to one of the RAR territorial representatives to mention the installation in the vehicle identity card (CIV)“, it is stated on the RAR website.
How long is the gas tank installed on a car valid?
According to national regulations, an LPG tank can be used for a period of 10 years. This period is calculated from the date of its manufacture, which is written on the gas cylinder. This date is either printed on or stamped on the tank label.
„After this period, the tank must be replaced with another one, identical to the original one or compatible with the rest of the installation installed on the vehicle. The replacement must be done in units authorized by RAR for the assembly, revision or repair of LPG installations“, also states the Romanian Car Registry.
After the replacement, the car owner must come again with the vehicle to one of the RAR dealerships. The installation will be checked again, completely and the new data will be entered into the CIV.
So, the gas tank fitted to a car is valid for a maximum of 10 years, from the date it was manufactured. Not since it was installed on the car! Because, for example, a tank manufactured in January 2018, but fitted to the car in January 2025, will have a shelf life of only 3 years.
After how many KM does the investment amortize if you install an LPG installation on the car?
The initial cost of installing an LPG system The price of installing an LPG system varies depending on the type of engine and the complexity of the system.
Usually, the costs are between 4,000 and 8,000 lei.
Then the price of petrol is about 50-60% higher than LPG. For example, if gasoline costs 7 lei/liter, LPG is available at approximately 4 lei/liter.
But, fuel consumption is about 10-20% higher with an LPG fueled engine than if it uses only petrol. Thus, if the car consumes 8 litres/100 km on petrol, it will have a LPG consumption of over 9 litres/100 km.
Given these details, we can calculate quite easily after how many kilometers the investment is amortized:
- LPG installation investment = 6,000 lei;
- LPG consumption = 9.2 liters/100 km (8 liters/100 km for gasoline);
- LPG cost = 37 lei/100 km (56 lei/100 km for petrol).
- economy = 19 lei/100 km.
Therefore, every 1,000 kilometers will save approximately 200 lei. So, compared to the example above, an investment of 6,000 lei in an LPG installation could be amortized after about 30,000 kilometers. The smaller the initial investment, the faster it will become profitable.
Does the LPG system wear out the engine faster?
Engines that run on LPG may show different wear than those that run exclusively on petrol. But that doesn’t mean it wears out faster.
This depends on several factors:
- combustion temperature: LPG has a higher combustion temperature, which can lead to accelerated wear of components such as valves and valve seats, especially if they are not made of materials resistant to high temperatures.
- internal lubrication: Unlike gasoline, which has a lubricating effect on internal engine components, LPG is a dry gas and does not provide this benefit. Over time, this can increase wear and tear.
- protection systems: modern engines and LPG injection systems include advanced technologies, such as the addition of additives during combustion or precise adjustments, to minimize wear.
- proper maintenance: engines running on LPG require rigorous maintenance, including regular checks of the LPG system and more frequent oil changes. If the LPG installation is of good quality, the engine is compatible and the maintenance is carried out properly, additional wear and tear can be minimized or even negligible. Conversely, a poorly mounted installation or improper maintenance can accelerate engine wear.