Apple has extended the rights to the Yabloko brand in Russia

Rospatent has extended the validity period of Apple’s exclusive rights to the trademarks “Yabloko” and Apple News Format until October 8, 2035 and November 13, 2035, respectively, RB.RU noted. In the spring of 2022, the American company stopped online sales in Russia.

Apple has extended the rights to the Yabloko brand in Russia

  1. News

Author: Ekaterina Strukova

Apple’s rights to the Yabloko brand extend to classes ICGS 16, 35 and 41 (brushes, materials for bookbinding, assistance in business management, information on issues of upbringing and education, layout of publications, typewriters and other goods and services).

Apple trademark, photo: Rospatent

Trademark rights for Apple News Format (the format that used for writing articles on Apple News+) applies to grades 09, 16, and 42, which include, but are not limited to, computers, computer peripherals, paper, printed materials, science and technology services, and computer programming.

Apple trademark, photo: Rospatent

Apple suspended online sales in Russia in March 2022 due to the start of military operations in Ukraine. At the same time, the company limited the operation of its Apple Pay payment service in the country, which Russians used to pay through terminals.

Patent attorney of the Online Patent company Alina Sidorova noted in an interview with RB.RU that foreign companies renew trademarks in Russia in order to maintain the monopoly of their brands in the country, as well as protect their rights and be able to demand compensation in the amount of up to 5 million rubles for illegal use of stamps.

Earlier, the American manufacturer Kimberly-Clark extended the protection of its Huggies brand of baby diapers in Russia until 2034.

With the participation of Bogdan Muzychenko

Cover photo: Paul Souders / Getty Images
