What foods are rich in magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the human body, found in food. What are the foods richest in magnesium?

To be in good shape, magnesium is essential for balance. To avoid deficiencies, a good diet is enough most of the time. Here is a review of foods rich in magnesium, by major families.

Magnesium, essential to the human body

What is magnesium? It is a mineral essential for the proper functioning of the human body. The body does not produce it and must therefore find it in food. The adult human body contains on average 24 grams of magnesiumwhich is distributed between bones and teeth on the one hand and in muscles, liver and tissues on the other hand.

Magnesium participates in more than 300 reactions in the body

It combines with other minerals, for a balance with sodium, potassium and calcium. The mineral acts in particular on:

  • the good functioning of the heart and in particular muscle relaxation and the regulation of blood pressure, but also blood sugar.
  • the good one nerve transmission;
  • avoid some of the pain associated with premenstrual syndrome or migraines.

Magnesium requirements

They will vary depending on age or gender. Babies from 1 year old will need 80 mg/day, children 3 to 8 years old 130 mg, those 9 to 13 years old 240 mg, adolescents 410 mg/day and girls of the same age 360 ​​mg /day (400 mg if pregnant).

In adulthood, and up to 30 years old, men will need 400 mg per day compared to 310 mg for women (350 if pregnant) then 420 mg for men over 31 years old and 320 mg for women over 31 years old (360 mg if pregnant).

Magnesium deficiency can lead to hyperemotional and anxiety disorders© fizkes

Cereals, rich in magnesium

Cereals are an excellent source of magnesium. Of course, breakfast cereals have interesting vitamins and minerals, but they are also rich in sugar… The ideal is to consume raw, whole or sprouted cereals.


Corn sprouts
Wheat germs
Barley sprouts
Corn kernel
Riz complet sec
Wheat flour

mg/100 g


Starchy foods rich in magnesium

Legumes are a good source of this mineral, in addition to being rich in vegetable proteins.

Starchy foods

Dried split peas
Dried white beans

mg/100 g


Seafood rich in magnesium

Marine algae are the food richest in magnesium. If they can be found in the form of a food supplement, they can also be consumed fresh or dried. Additionally, it is a good alternative to animal products for vegetarians and vegans. Fish, especially sardines, are also a good source of magnesium.

foods rich in magnesium

Miso soup with seaweed, tofu and shiitake mushrooms © Ekaterina Markelova


Marine algae
Sardines in olive oil
Baked Atlantic Halibut
Oven-grilled Atlantic pollock
Raw oysters
Cooked mussels

mg/100 g



Even if we do not generally consume astronomical quantities, the molluscs are a good source of this mineral. Note that the Burgundy snails contain 255 mg/100 g of magnesium and whelks in a smaller quantity 135 mg/100 g.

Fruits and vegetables rich in magnesium

Even if these are not the main ones foods rich in magnesiumcertain fruits and vegetables contain it in reasonable quantities. THE cassis wins the prize; it is also rich in vitamin C.

foods rich in magnesium

Blackcurrant, champion of magnesium! © Swetlana Wall

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh blackcurrant
Boiled spinach
Dried fig
Boiled artichokes

mg/100 g


Dates, apricots and figs are a good source of magnesium with an average of 65 mg/100 g. Note that 100 g of banana contains more than 33 mg of magnesium.

Dairy products rich in magnesium

This is far from the main source, but some cheeses are more or less rich, which can constitute an interesting food. Whole milk 86 mg/100 g and Emmental and Comté cheeses 44 mg/100 g.

Oilseeds and nuts rich in magnesium

foods rich in magnesium

Oleaginous fruits are one of the best sources of magnesium © Kotcha K

THE nut and similar are very good sources, and it constitutes a healthy snack in case of cravings.


Sesame seeds
Amazonian nuts
Dried almond
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts

mg/100 g


Spices rich in magnesium

It is rare to consume 100 g of spices at once, but in small amounts it is a supplement. Cumin tops the podium with 366 mg/100 g, followed by coriander, curry, ginger and black pepper.

Also read – Spices: 7 powerful antioxidants in the kitchen: herbs, powders…

Chocolate and coffee

The chocolat is well known as a source of magnesium, even if this contribution must be put into perspective, in particular because we generally consume derivatives and not raw cocoa. Powdered chocolate provides 376 mg/100g and dark semi-bitter 180,376 mg /100g.

Likewise, coffee is rich in it with 356 mg/100 g, but we do not consume it directly in powder form: a good part of the nutrients remain in the grounds!

Also read – Don’t throw away coffee grounds, cook with them!

Mineral waters rich in magnesium

Some waters are naturally rich in it, and recommended for people suffering from deficiencies. Hépar water contains 119 mg/100 g followed by Badoit and Contrex with 85 mg/100 g.

Article updated

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