Heating your home without gas –

Heating the house without gas could be possible by exploiting new and revolutionary technologies, which have already been verified in their functioning but kept in the drawer.

Heating without gas: how to produce energy without the use of combustible fuels?

Heating your home without gas is possible using a machine capable of producing clean energy at almost zero costs through the production of antiparticle beamswhich by slowing down the spin of any element in nature, allows the heating of matter itself, producing heat without the aid of fossil fuels such as gas.

In particular, the device could heat each element of Mendeleev’s periodic table up to 40% of its degree of melting (in solids) or boiling in case of liquids.

This is what the inventor declared Rolando Pelizza (died in January 2022), exploiting the theoretical research of the famous physicist’s studies on antimatter Ettore Majoranawith a machine capable of selectively intervening on matter with antiparticles produced by the machine itself, with very particular effects, including the annihilation and heating of any solid, liquid or gaseous material.

Central heart of the machine created by Rolando Pelizza

Theoretical technologies that are also based on Theory of Exponents by Ettore Majorana and which are still being researched by the global scientific community in large particle accelerators such as at CERN in Geneva, with great expenditure of energy and investments of hundreds of billions of euros.

The journalist also spoke about this story Rino di Stefano in his numerous articles on the technology in question and on the events of the inventor Rolando Pelizza in these last 50 years of machine design and testing. The journalist also has published a book which is a sort of journalistic investigation into the mysteries of the incredible and controversial story of a machine that has become legend.

We also recommend reading the account of the history of the construction of the machine and its design and testing on the sites of the inventor Rolando Pelizza: Majorana-Pelizza e secretofmajorana.

How does the anti-particle device work in the production of hot water for heating or sanitary purposes without the use of gas?

In summary, a beam of antiparticles produced by the aforementioned device would allow heat water instantly up to 40°C (40% of its boiling point of 100°C) using the energy of a simple 12V car battery.

The emission of antiparticles would therefore also be controllable in intensity, going by itself heating of matter hit (slowing the flow of particles) until complete annihilation of the same.

The machine in question is a cube measuring 52 centimeters per side with 5 motors inside, with some ceramic discs and precious materials such as gold and silver, as well as two hollow spheres full of mercury.

Majorana machine seen togetherMajorana machine seen together

The rotation of these elements, at a certain speed and direction of rotation, would allow, through software programmed by Pelizza, the activation and interrelation of three fundamental fields: electric, magnetic and gravitational.
This would allow the production of antiparticles in the heart of the machine itself which would then be expelled and directed onto the material to be hit through an opening hole on one side of the cube.

The direction of rotation and the speed of these machine elements are managed by a software with calculations deriving from mathematical formulas for every type of material to hit. Formulas deriving from studies on the physicist’s theories Ettore Majorana.

In this video the structure and functioning of the machine which could create clean, infinite and zero-cost energy is very explanatory.

The experimentation as a device for heating water it was already made in 1981 with the machine aiming its antiparticle beam at a cube full of water and plexiglass tubes, to heat 8 cubic meters of water instantly up to 40 °C with Soli 40 watts at Energia.

Water heating experiment carried out in 1981Water heating experiment carried out in 1981

The peculiarity is that you could have a hot body, always at the same temperature, with minimal oscillations, which does not heat up further, even if the heat is not absorbed from the outside.

If the heat, vice versa, were absorbed – for example with a water circulation system around the heated material – the body would continue to remain at the same temperature while domestic hot water was available for heating or to produce energy through a turbine.

About the group of Ettore Majorana on Facebook you will find additional information on the functioning of the machine and on the various events connected to it.
To view the design drawings of the machine scarica i file in pdf.

How much would this machine cost to heat our house without gas?

Il cost of construction of the machinery on an experimental basis and as a private individual could be obtained from 70 to 100 thousand eurosbecause of the 870 grams of gold-bearing material and other precious metals. The operating cost but yes would approach zerogiven that only 40 Watts of energy are needed to operate the system. (car battery).

If this plant sees the light, technically with the steam produced appropriately put under pressure it could be possible, with an Ansaldo turbine, to produce electricity on a global level without the use of gas or other fossil fuels.

Or, with the mass production of devices for civil homesthe costs for the construction of the device could be significantly lower, thus making it possible to support an initial cost for the purchase by the private individual (perhaps with a state incentive) in order to individually produce clean and free energy, or hot water for one’s own heating system forever without the use of gas or other fossil fuels.

Will it be possible to exploit this technology to produce clean energy and heat our home without gas?

If the technology were viable, would solve the energy crisis of our country and the entire world, canceling political games and interests of large industrial groups, putting an end to blackmail for the management of energy resources.
In short, an excellent alternative to gas and electricity!

Furthermore, it seems that this new technology can also work for further developments that may seem science fiction (transmutation and translation of matter), for which we refer and invite our readers to comment at the bottom of the page to share their impressions on the topic.

At present we are not able to formulate certainties on the functioning of this technology, but examining all the information material on the web and on the documentation provided by the inventor with the tests and experiments carried out even in the presence of scientists and politicians, the certainty of the existence of this prototype becomes likelyso we invite our readers to read up and learn more about the resources visible on Dropboxwhere you can find the brief history of the creation of the machine.

In this document you can find them among lots of videos on the subject, even those on transmission Italia UNO mystery of 2012 e di
VOYAGER by Roberto Giacobbo from 2016

Construction of the machine by Oscar ValenteConstruction of the machine by Oscar Valente

Finally, we recommend that you also view the video of the machine construction by a young Milanese boy Oscar Valente who successfully attempted to create the prototype following the projects published by Pelizza, with the intention, once built, of handing it over to him to put it into operation for a public demonstration of its capabilities.

Unfortunately, the machine created by Oscar Valente never went into operation because, according to the manufacturer, it was seized by elusive secret agents who in any case will not be able to make it work due to the lack of Pelizza’s software which only he possessed and which it appears to be deposited with a trusted notary.

Only heirs or legitimate persons will be able to take possession of the machine’s operating software and decide whether to disclose it for operational testing at accredited bodies.

We await your comments on this topicafter of course having read up on the links indicated in the article.

Source: www.lavorincasa.it