“We have to see if Romania needs 1.3 million civil servants”. The number of secretaries of state will be reduced by 25%

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1:14 p.m

1973 readings

UDMR leader, Kelemen Hunor PHOTO: Facebook/Kelemen Hunor

Kelemen Hunor, the president of the UDMR, announced on Thursday, January 16, that the Government will reduce the number of state secretaries by 25% compared to the situation before last year’s parliamentary elections, and the number of sub-prefects will also be reduced.

According to a UDMR press release, Kelemen Hunor also says that the budgetary apparatus is oversized, requiring an analysis to see to what extent Romania needs 1.3 million civil servants.

“We have seen how much we can reduce the number of state secretaries, we have determined that there will be 53 state secretaries in the Government, so a reduction of around 25% compared to the situation before last year’s parliamentary elections. The rule will be that there will be 2 state secretaries in the small ministries and 3 in the others, there are a few with 4, in Finance, MIPE, Transport and Foreign”, said the president of the UDMR on B1 TV, according to g4media.ro.

The UDMR leader also says that the coalition also discussed reducing the number of sub-prefects. Thus, the counties with more than 500,000 inhabitants remain with 2 prefects, and those with less than 500,000 inhabitants will have one sub-prefect each.

“Everything that means the reduction of the bureaucratic apparatus and the weight loss cure, the state diet, must start with us, with the central administration and the prefectures”, Kelemen Hunor believes.

Kelemen Hunor also says that “the Minister of Finance, Tanczos Barna, will not make estimates. If you follow what he is doing, the revenues will be correctly estimated, the expenses will be accurately calculated and put in the Budget Law, because otherwise we can no longer finance either the deficit or the budget expenses. In 2025, every week, Romania pays one billion lei in interest alone. So we will pay 51 billion lei just for interest, and in 2026 we will pay 60 billion, these are huge amounts. We cannot afford to be dishonest, to play with numbers and expenses. We don’t have to increase the taxes, because in any case there are very high taxes in Romania, but every citizen must be equal”.

The president of the UDMR states that it is necessary to restructure the budget apparatus.

“That means we have to go to other issues related to the retirement age and see if Romania needs 1.3 million civil servants. The budgetary apparatus is oversized. Something like that cannot be maintained in the long term, there we have to see if the figure of 1.3 million is ok or not.

From my point of view it is not ok. In the next period, each credit orderer must make an evaluation and the Government must have some criteria by which we restructure the budget apparatus, but the restructuring will not affect health and education”, adds Kelemen Hunor.

Source: ziare.com