The latest news we have regarding the most used messaging app in the world, WhatsApp, is that at the end of December it was announced that it was no longer compatible with the iPhone 5S, 6 and 6 Plus. Since then, no more news has been published regarding the app until a few days ago, which was announced the arrival of news to WhatsApp. Among them the possibility of creating stickers directly with the front camera, new filters and backgrounds for images taken from the camera, new (and faster) ways to react to messages and the possibility of sharing sticker packs directly in conversations.

Filters, reactions and more: WhatsApp will receive news soon

You already know that WhatsApp betas are a fundamental element in the development of the app and that many of the new features seen in the betas never appear in the public updates of the application. However, many others do and allow you to test great features before their official release. A few hours ago Meta published in its press center a press release in which news for WhatsApp was announced.

Among these developments, as we have mentioned, are camera effects which allow users to modify videos and photos directly through 30 backgrounds, filters and effects, as if the Instagram or Facebook camera were directly in WhatsApp. Continuing along this line, an option has also been added that allows Create stickers directly from the front camera. They have already confirmed that this feature is available on Android and that it will soon arrive on iOS without specifying when.

WhatsApp CompatibilityWhatsApp Compatibility

Related article:

WhatsApp will no longer be compatible with the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Finally, users are also allowed share sticker packs with our friends directly through WhatsApp conversation as well as react to messages more easily Just double-tap a message and quickly scroll through reactions. A faster way to react without having to hold down as we currently do.

These new features will soon arrive on iOS and Android. We’ll see when.