Matteo Salvini responded to Vasco Rossi after the controversy over the changes to the Traffic Laws and the related harsher penalties. The deputy prime minister branded it as “false” what the rocker says. For the minister, in fact, the tests conducted on drivers allow us to trace which substances they have taken a few hours before the check-upcontrary to what the singer said.
Vasco Rossi again against Matteo Salvini
In short, a new chapter in the dispute between Matteo Salvini and Vasco Rossi. In recent weeks the two have often teased each other on the topic of the new Highway Code.
After an attack by the singer, the minister returned to the field and returned the accusations to the sender, also reiterating that he was satisfied of the results made possible by new measures.
Matteo Salvini interviewed by Bruno Vespa
The debate on the Highway Code
Speaking at “Five Minutes”, the column of Bruno Vespa are Rai UnoMatteo Salvini responded in kind to the rocker of Bitch.
“I remember weeks of controversy, with Vasco Rossi and the intellectuals and those who “want to smoke a joint and can’t drive”. It’s falsebecause alcohol and drug tests date back to opioids a few hours earlier, not days earlier. Everyone at home is still free to do what they want, I would avoid it,” he said on live TV.
Then, he pressed, underlining the benefits which is bringing the new Highway Code. “Have saved 43 lives compared to past years it makes me endure accusations and controversies with serenity. Italians are using more prudence“, he commented with satisfaction.
Previous attacks
Just a few hours earlier, in a video published on his Instagram profile, Vasco Rossi he had returned to talk about the issue. The last time he had done this had led to the reaction of the Minister of Transport who had invited him to speak with her families of accident victims caused by driving under the influence of narcotics. This time, nervous because his words had been travisate from Salvini, said: “I’m not there. I never said that you can drive while drunk or under the influence of drugs. I don’t think so, I’m not like that stupid“.
In his first attack on number one Carrocciothe one who started the controversy between the two on this matter, had said: “Minister Matteo Salvini has made sure for your good that if you have smoked a cane even a week earlier and get stopped you can be arrested immediately and comes to you retreat the patent for three years”, a nice and good attack that had warmed the spirits between the two and had triggered the back and forth that went on for weeks.
As already done previously, the singer-songwriter also accused the leader of Lega to do”propaganda on people’s skin” and of having worked for “an absurd propaganda edit of the old law which already provided for the withdrawal of the license for those driving under the influence of cannabis”. The focal point of his attack remains that of timing. “After a week it drives perfectly shiny. It’s a thing unacceptable which should be obvious to anyone,” he says, also explaining how, in his opinion, with the new law, we will end up ruining lives rather than saving themintroducing an “unjust hunting to behaviors, which are perfectly legal, such as the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.”
Why are the deputy prime minister and the rocker arguing
Factual positions opposite those of Vasco Rossi e di Matteo Salvini. In the previous episodes of the controversy involving video messages on social media, the deputy prime minister had underlined how, “according to data from the Traffic Police, the salivary drug test dates back to a few hours back, not ad a few days o someone weeks”.
There was no shortage of teasing the singer – who he also says he respects artistically -. “Vasco Rossi said that if someone smokes a joint and then drives the following week then he tests positive, but it’s not like that. If saving even one life means make Vasco angryI do it with pride”, the minister declared.
The terrain of dispute therefore remains the norm modification of the Highway Codeentered into force on Last December 14th. The new rules provide for withdrawal of driving licence based on a test positive per narcotic substanceseven in the absence of psychophysical alteration at the time of the check.