For over a year, WhatsApp has been working on a feature that will allow its users to create unique pseudonyms. An initiative that aims to allow users of the messaging service to connect with their friends, family and contacts without having to share a phone number.
More customization, more privacy
It will therefore be possible to choose a username, provided that it is not already taken. Unlike other platforms such as Discord, usernames on WhatsApp will be unique and will not include any discriminators or tags, thus avoiding any confusion or duplication.
The setup process, as revealed by the site WABetaInfowill include a check for the availability of the desired username. This approach not only makes it easier to connect with others, but it also enhances privacy by allowing users to uniquely present themselves, without having to disclose a phone number.
People who already have your phone number will still be able to find you on WhatsApp, allowing current contacts or other trusted people to continue to reach you in the usual way.
The latest WhatsApp web updates show that the messenger is refining this feature before its official launch. A new interface has appeared, indicating that the platform is actively working on the option. This interface will allow you to select a preferred username and check its availability during the setup process.
Once you set your pseudonym, only people who know that name or your phone number will be able to contact you on WhatsApp. This feature adds an extra layer of control over who can initiate conversations with you, further protecting your personal information. Implementing this system requires significant changes to existing infrastructure, which is why the option is still in development.
WhatsApp has not yet indicated a specific date for the rollout. The development process involves rigorous testing and adjustments to ensure that this new option meets user expectations and, above all, offers a secure and bug-free experience. The move to a username-based system represents a major transformation in the way WhatsApp manages connections between contacts, which requires a period of adaptation and refinement.
This feature is expected to be available in WhatsApp’s web client first before expanding to Android and iOS apps.