RAB has arrested two persons, including the prime accused in the murder case of Mir Arman Hossain, former secretary of BNP Forest and Environment Affairs in Chalimpur forest of Sitakunda. Terrorists killed Armaan by cutting the veins of both legs. They were arrested last Thursday night from Kagiya and Bhola of Laksam police station in Comilla district. RAB yesterday Friday–7 This information is given in a press release. The arrested are Al Amin, the prime accused in Arman’s murder (২৮) And accused number three of that case. Jasim Uddin Prakash Bhutto (৩৫)।
RAB said, Al Amin, the main accused in the murder case of BNP leader Mir Arman Hossain was arrested from Comilla. Later, on the information given by Al Amin, the accused Jasim was arrested. During preliminary interrogation, they admitted their involvement in the murder. They have been handed over to Sitakunda Model Police Station for further legal action. Sitakunda Model Police Station OC Mojibur Rahman said, RAB–7 accused were arrested and handed over to the police station.
On January 2, BNP leader Mir Arman was hacked to death in Jangal Chalimpur of the upazila. Since then the accused have been absconding. They were arrested based on secret information. 5 days after the incident, on January 7, Arman’s wife, Ruby Akhter, filed a case against 10 people as the plaintiff.
Source: dainikazadi.net