The Western women’s home defenders took third place in the endurance trip

Julia Sirkel (from left), Reelika Bulak, Marge Kelder and Henrieth Kampmann. Photo: NKK Lääne ring glove

The first team of the Tartu district won the toughest annual patrol competition of the Naiskodukaitse, the load hike, which ended on a busy Sunday.

The second place was won by the second team of the Pärnumaa district, and the third place was won by the team of the Western district consisting of Marge Kelder, Julia Sirkel, Henrieth Kampmann, Reelika Bulak, representative Karel Kelder.

On the course, which was about 80 kilometers long, the women had to perform various tasks within 36 hours, which tested their knowledge, strength and also smartness.
