US deploys Tomahawk missiles in Germany

US deploys Tomahawk missiles in Germany

Published 15 July 2024 at 10.15am

Foreign. Germany will be allowed to host American cruise missiles of the Tomahawk type, which can be armed with nuclear weapons. This is according to a decision at the NATO anniversary summit in Washington.

It is all described as part of a new strategy to strengthen Ukraine’s defenses and deter Russia.

NATO will establish a new headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany to coordinate support for Ukraine. The existing force of 300 American soldiers there will be increased to 700, of which Germany will contribute 40.

Starting in 2026, Tomahawk missiles and other long-range weapons will also be stationed in Germany, according to a separate agreement between the US and Germany.

Also anti-aircraft missiles of the SM-6 type and not yet fully developed supersonic weapons are to be placed in Germany. The weapons are said to have a significantly greater range than the current land-based systems in Europe.
