At the Tokyo Camper Show 2024, which will be held in the Japanese capital and opens its doors on July 20, the Japanese company White House Camper will present its proposal that turns the Suzuki Jimny into a camper, which is believed to be the first in the world .
More specifically, from the blueprints given by the company – before the official debut of the prototype – we see that the 5-door version of the Jimny is used as a base because of the longer body.
The Japanese off-roader features a pop-up roof with an integrated mechanism, with the conversion adding 145-150mm. at the height of the Suzuki model, while likely requiring the roof to be cut.
This will allow passengers to enter and exit the roof tent from inside the vehicle, rather than the traditional way using a ladder.
The tent can accommodate two adults, while the electric mechanism makes it easy to operate, with White House Camper also reporting that sleeping inside vehicles can be beneficial in the event of a natural disaster and emergency.
White House Camper will judge by the public’s reactions whether to put the built-in tent for the 5-door Jimny into production.