Published 17 July 2024 at 07:13
Domestic. Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) expressed strong criticism of Hungary’s EU presidency during a ministerial meeting in Brussels, reports Swedens radio.
That the Hungarian Prime Minister VIktor Orban on his own initiative traveled to Ukraine, Russia and China to talk peace has caused an outcry from the Swedish and other liberal governments within the EU.
During the meeting with the finance ministers on Tuesday, Elisabeth Svantesson criticized, among other things, Orban’s visit to Russia. She directed the criticism directly at the Hungarian finance minister.
– It was the first time actually today that it was really noticed that a country – meaning Hungary in this case – does not represent the rest of us in a good way. If you are a presiding country, you do not travel to Russia and talk to Putin. And you should definitely have Ukraine high on your priority list, says Elisabeth Svantesson to SR.
She states that “all” other ministers at the meeting agreed with her.
– Everyone shut up, more or less anyway, and agreed and underlined that they were also concerned. Because this is the biggest and most important question for us, says Elisabeth Svantesson.