Setting out to save does not always mean setting aside a portion of your salary and avoiding touching it. Sometimes it is possible to apply systems that help us pay less for our basic services that we have already contracted. hire cheaper rates until we speak with the companies to find out if we are entitled to any type of special discount. Investing time in contacting different companies to lower the price we pay can help us save thousands of euros a year. Another trick is to limit yourself to buying only those products included in your list and avoid falling into the temptation of other whims.
Experts propose a very simple method that everyone can apply when managing household services or shopping. On the other hand, it is essential to take into account the ant expensesThat is, those small cash outlays that we make and that, although they do not represent exorbitant amounts, when added together they generate a great waste.
Cheaper alternatives to save money
The key is to evaluate all our contracts, for this you will need a couple of hours each year to review all the bills we pay each month. From home or car insurance to electricity, water or even the Internet contract. Once Let’s break down all these fixed costsThe idea is to look for the cheapest savings alternatives that we can find and that fit our needs.
According to him, if you have the habit of applying this technique Every year you can save up to 2,000 euros per period. In many cases, when doing these reviews, we will find that we are wasting our money or that some contracted services are not so necessary. Those that are a whim and that it is not a problem to live without them, it is preferable to eliminate them. An additional strategy is gather all the tickets of purchases we have made, so that we can study which sectors we spend the most money on and which are small expenses that we should eliminate.
Now that streaming platforms are very popular, a good alternative to save is share subscriptions with other people. In fact, the Spanish startup Pulpo offers customers the opportunity to share profiles and pay less each month while enjoying all kinds of movies, series or music.