A beacon on the path of energy transition

I recently got shaved at a family gathering, and a curious aunt didn’t miss the opportunity to ask me what I do for a living. Although I started to write down about 300 interesting topics that I cover, a good part of my recital was about renewable energy sources.

That’s when I realized how fascinated I am by the fact that I am a witness to the global abandonment of polluting fossil fuels and the transition to renewable energy sources that protect the environment and provide energy security.

Unfortunately, the energy transition in Serbia and the region represents a great challenge that requires engagement at all levels of society, as we face numerous economic, administrative and technical obstacles that slow down its pace. However, it is clear that, despite these challenges, we must intensify our efforts to green energy in order to preserve the environment and comply with the directives of the European Union.

In Serbia, in 2023, RES capacities have almost doubled compared to 2022, but although this represents a significant achievement, it is not enough if we want to reduce air pollution and achieve energy security. In the face of the upcoming heating season, when air pollution becomes a dominant environmental problem, it becomes even clearer that investment in renewable sources is not only the key to sustainable development of the country, but also our moral obligation.

On this complex and unexplored path of energy transition, it is of crucial importance who we have as companions. Prominent companies from the sector of renewable energy sources, with their technical knowledge, innovative solutions and commitment, represent reliable partners in the mission of switching to green energy.

And just as a lighthouse helps ships safely enter port, these companies enable investors to achieve their goals in the renewable energy sector with a clear plan and support.

Photo illustration: Freepik (fabrikasimf)

I researched leading companies in our region that stand out for their expertise and past results, and one name in particular caught my attention.

The company MT-KOMEX, which has been operating for more than three decades, has become a leader in the construction of solar power plants in Serbia and the region. Thanks to many years of experience, MT-KOMEX is guaranteed to find optimal solutions that not only meet the wishes of investors, but also ensure top performance of solar power plants. Their expertise and dedication enable clients to come up with solutions that are adapted to the specific requirements of the project, ensuring long-term reliability and efficiency in the use of solar energy.

For investors, security and trust are of key importance, and having a reliable partner with you means reducing risk and optimizing results. Professional companies from this sector bring not only technical support but also vision, helping to turn ideas about cleaner energy into successfully realized projects.

The coordinated team of the MT-KOMEX company is ready to respond to the needs of clients at any time and build a solar power plant in record time. This valuable team of engineers, installers and other certified experts has behind them over 200 built solar power plants that produce large amounts of green kilowatts, to the great satisfaction of clients who have placed their trust in them.

MT-KOMEX approaches every project, whether it is the construction of a solar power plant on the roof of a house, a production facility or on the ground, with great care, so investors can calmly wait for the moment when they will receive the “turnkey” for their solar power plant.

It is clear that the energy transition poses great challenges for our country, and every green kilowatt more in the domestic energy mix is ​​of great importance. Fortunately, through the knowledge and innovations of prominent scientists and experts, as well as through the actions of qualified companies, Serbia has the opportunity to successfully face this challenge and step into a sustainable future.

Milena Maglovski

Source: energetskiportal.rs