A canned and stuck government

Weeks away from completing six months of existence, we now have a government in the country canned for what has never ceased to be its desire to have new elections, to expand its voting and stuck between the absence of a flag or a greater design that was feasible or acceptable. All of this has a natural impact on the negotiation of the State budget for 2025 and the distortion of the government program that Miranda Sarmento, Minister of Finance, referred to a few months ago was nothing more than that: the demand for the complete, but quite crucial, withdrawal of the new and terrible IRS Jovem by the main opposition party, so as not to reject the document. Something that, with few or no signs, has not happened in the negotiations to date.

But, all things considered, this canned and jammed government of Luís Montenegro end up being completely interconnected. Understand the inaudible meaning of the AD’s “strategic” will: it is not worth worrying too much about the second because the idea has always been and is to bet everything on the first.

There have been several examples of this reality, but this state of conservation was more than evident in the political management of the recent fires, in which the Prime Minister was only truly concerned with speaking to the electorate close to Chega.

The complete manual was there: the external enemy in itself; the lack of vision; the language; little or no attention to what the experts say about prevention and the increasing difficulty in fighting fires due to climate change. This and the concerted and constant absence of a Minister of Internal Affairs who, after that communication, should already be in an administrative position in some PSD department.

It turns out that the Prime Minister is, to a certain extent, making the same national interpretation of the last European elections as many others, betting on the consequent fall of Chega in any possible new elections. Knowing in advance that the majority of these voters would return to or rejoin the PSD. Naturally, I don’t know if this will say better or worse about the PSD today, but Montenegro is playing with this reality in a disguised way and today’s meeting with André Ventura can also be explained by this.

What is AD’s big problem in all of this? The obvious and the one I started with. The stuck one. The new “Youth IRS” is a big piece of crap, there is no entity that can disguise this reality and having made this “the measure” (without there being another), makes the PS’s natural rationality in completely discarding it understandable to left-wing and center-left-center voters today or tomorrow. From here and the analogy that some made with 2021, how much the parties to the left of the PS with whom there was a parliamentary agreement were harmed (and the perception for many of the electorate even went beyond that), and the main opposition party in the current context that has been doing this every day for six months, it never made or makes any sense.

Keeping the new IRS young so as not to distort the government’s program and passing the State Budget with Chega and IL would be the worst for AD and the country in the medium term. Which does not mean that this would not be the best option for Pedro Nuno Santos and the PS in the short, medium and long term.

Perhaps the knife and cheese in hand has not been where many thought it was all this time.

Source: expresso.pt