A cocktail of emotions due to interpretations / Day

American scientists have found that the so-called mixed emotions arise from the fact that brain regions responsible for different functions simultaneously send signals about the interpretation of their events. A classic example of mixed emotions is life’s big events. For example, graduating from school, which brings great joy and relief at the end of a long period of study, but at the same time also awakens concerns about going into the unknown future and a bittersweet realization that many friends will meet much less often. University of Southern California neuroscientists have found that in such cases, a unique activity occurs in the brain. The results of magnetic resonance imaging clearly showed that in emotionally complicated cases, several regions experience increased activity at the same time. This is particularly evident in the amygdala, which is responsible for processing emotions, and in the nucleus accumbens, which is associated with reward and motivation, the journal said. Cerebral Cortex in a published report. These patterns were significantly different from the brain activity observed when participants experienced only positive or negative emotions. This suggests that mixed emotions are not just a mixture of these two extremes, but rather a unique emotional experience with a distinct signature.

Source: www.diena.lv