A coffee station for filter coffee lovers

First of all: why filter coffee? Because it is suitable for those who like a light taste, the best expression of flavors and a variety of different coffees. Filter coffee has a completely different flavor profile than coffee made using a regular coffee machine.

Do you consider yourself a coffee lover? Maybe you already have a filter coffee machine at home and can make incredible barista-style coffees, but have you taken it to the next level with a home coffee station? A coffee station can serve several purposes. First of all, it is very nice if you have such an option at home. It’s also a way to make sure you have room for all your coffee accessories, whether it’s coffee capsules for your Nespresso machine or different types of beans for your coffee machine. Let’s explore how to create a coffee station in your home. Whether you want to put a filter coffee machine in your kitchen or want space in your home office for those essential coffee breaks, there are many different ways to design your station.

Choose a cabinet or a surface

You need space for your coffee station. Depending on what devices you have, you will need space for one or two devices. Because some modern filter coffee machine can have an integrated coffee grinder, you don’t always need a coffee grinder. However, if you have a filter coffee machine without a coffee grinder, you may need more space. Again, this depends on which coffee grinder you are working with. Modern coffee grinders offer a variety of options. Parts are large professional and others are small compact.

The surface can be as simple as a cabinet or desk in your office space or as complex as a custom-made coffee station. Yes, they really exist. There are stations similar to those you would find in a coffee shop, with things like milk, sugar, and even extra flavorings that you can add to your coffee. You may just need to set aside some space in your kitchen for a coffee station, but if you can get a dedicated cabinet for it, it will give you more space to work with. This is the best way to go if you want to create the best coffee station possible.

Ensure access to water and electricity

If you are going to make everything in a coffee station, you should make sure you have access to water and power. It would be good if the water for the filter coffee machine and the mains for the machine and grinder were in one place. This won’t be a problem in your kitchen, but if you want to make a coffee station in your home office, you may need to think a little more. There is nothing wrong with bottling some of the water you use for cooking and keeping it at the coffee station. If your coffee station has storage space, it’s the perfect place to put bottled water (if you need it). It’s also a good idea to put a litter box and a bio waste bin there (ideal if you use reusable coffee pods).

Set up your devices

Your filter coffee machine can be the heart of your coffee station. Often, a filter coffee machine can take up a lot of space, but today the market is full of different ones styles and designs and colors, so it can be a great addition to a coffee station. And coffee grinders are also versatile. From completely antique versions to modern settings. So these two devices can be the heart of your coffee station. While some people choose to keep their machine separate and only use the coffee station for accessories, we believe that the coffee machine should be the heart of the coffee station.

Choose your toppings

Your coffee station should focus on options, and that means different products, spices, syrups and more that you can add to your coffee. There are many barista-style syrups on the market these days, so you can make your own caramel latte or even a chai latte at home. You can also add old classics like sugar (brown and white sugar) and of course cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. All of these are ways to keep your coffee experience fresh and interesting. We also recommend a selection of coffee beans. They say variety is the spice of life and if some days you can like strong Nicaragua coffee, then on another day you want Ethiopian medium roast instead.

Coffee beans are usually placed in different transparent containers because they look so pretty when opened and smell great. The beans can be kept close to the coffee grinder and once they are ground, you can enjoy not only the perfect flavors but also the aromas.

Summary – Making a coffee station

Your coffee station is a great way to offer your guests a drink, but it’s all about you and your own coffee preferences. Find the perfect spot in your home, set up your filter coffee machine, as well as the coffee grinder (if needed), and your station is almost ready. Enjoy a delicious cup of filter coffee.

Source: www.aripaev.ee