A four-party coalition of 3PK, ANO, KPK and ODS will be formed in the Pardubice Region

Pardubice – A new coalition of 3PK, ANO, Coalition for the Pardubice Region and ODS will be formed in the Pardubice Region. Its floor plan corresponds to the election result. STAN will be in opposition. The new coalition announced this to journalists today through a video recording.

“We agreed to create a relatively stable coalition, even considering the tasks that await us all. The coalition is based on the fact that we invited the winner of the election to negotiations and we agreed to create a coalition of four, which should to be composed of the 3PK, the ANO movement, the Coalition for the Pardubice Region and the ODS,” said outgoing governor Martin Netolicky (3PK/SOCDEM). His group should also get the position of governor in the new election period.

According to him, the dominant majority of voters voted for these subjects. A coalition of four entities should guarantee stability. Netolický described the negotiations as a “difficult compromise from all sides”, when everyone had to compromise on their demands. First, three entities that were also in the previous management of the region met and agreed, i.e. 3PK, the Coalition for the Pardubice Region and the ODS, then invited ANO.

“We went into the negotiations with the idea that, as the winner of the elections, we would stand for the post of governor, however, the negotiations were difficult, compromises are made, and for us the option of participating in the management of the region won, rather than having only one post, even that of governor. That is why we reached to the fact that we are giving up the 3PK position,” said ANO leader Dušan Salfický.

Ladislav Valtr (ODS) stated that negotiating with five mandates for two councilors, including one deputy, is a good result. According to him, regional politics is different from the national one, so inviting ANO to the regional government is not an obstacle, Pavel Šotola (Coalition for the Pardubice Region) said that the new coalition is mostly based on the original plan, as its members declared before the elections.

The winner of the regional elections in the Pardubice region is the ANO movement, which won 15 mandates in the council, which has 45 members. Second place belongs to 3PK with 11 representatives. The third Coalition for the Pardubice Region will have six mandates. In fourth place are ODS and TOP 09 with five representatives. The fifth STAN will have three mandates. The sixth is Enough! with three mandates. Seventh place was occupied by the SPD, Trikolora and PRO coalition with two representatives.

According to Netolicky, the new coalition will also negotiate with STAN representatives on Monday. “We want the agreement to be as broad as possible, but the regional council will be composed of four entities,” said Netolicky. There is already agreement on the personnel composition of the council, specific names have not yet been announced, individual positions will still be negotiated. Three councilors will have 3PK, two ANO, two ODS with TOP 09, two KPK.

The ANO movement won the 2020 elections in the Pardubice region with 11 mandates out of 45, but, like four years before, it remained in the opposition. Hetman Martin Netolicky’s 3PK grouping (SOCDEM) finished second with eight mandates, the third ODS with TOP 09 had the same number of mandates. The Fourth Coalition for the Pardubice Region won seven seats. Pirates finished fifth with seven mandates, STAN sixth with four representatives. The coalition was formed by 3PK, ODS with TOP 09, Coalition for the Pardubice Region and STAN. Netolický became governor for the third time.

CR elections Pardubický region 2nd VERSION

Source: www.ceskenoviny.cz