A group of officials has denounced the Minister of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca, Marcial Rodríguez, for allegedly trying to attack the head of Inspection of his department, facts that Rodríguez has categorically denied: “I flatly deny each and every one of the accusations. that are expressed or said to be expressed in that document,” he has stressed on several occasions, emphasizing that he is waiting to officially hear the complaint of alleged psychological abuse, threats and coercion, presented, he stressed, “anonymously”. The opposition has demanded his immediate dismissal.
In statements to the media after hearing the news, published by the newspaper Last Minutethe councilor has stated that once he has the document he will be able to carry out “the actions that are necessary” to defend, “without a doubt”, his “honesty and responsibility” in the position he holds. A position that he accepted, he assured, with the objective of “being able to build an effective public administration that lives up to the expectations and excellence of the tourist offer of this island in all its branches and aspects.”
He has also expressed his gratitude to the more than 150 public employees under his charge “for their loyalty, commitment and adaptation to the changes” that they are promoting from the department.
According to the information published this Friday, the complaint from public employees has been sent to the Internal Information System of the Consell, governed by PP and Vox. The document recounts various episodes of alleged aggressiveness on the part of the councilor, such as “one day” when he arrived at one of the institution’s offices “as always shouting and disrespecting the head of the inspection service.” “One day he threatened him that if he did not obey him he would not renew his service commission. Then he raised his hand to hit him. In the end he didn’t hit him but many officials saw him. There are witnesses. “Many people saw it,” the complaint states, according to the Última Hora news.
The document – always according to information from the local newspaper – details that the officials urged the chief of inspection to denounce Rodríguez “for crimes of coercion, threats and attempted aggression”, although he ultimately did not do so “out of fear.”
In response to questions from journalists, the minister has insisted on denying all the accusations and that he is waiting to hear the complaint in its entirety and to know “who is behind it.” “I know what a media outlet has said. Therefore I cannot give any opinion because I do not know how it is written, I do not know in what format, nor do I have the official information. When I have it I’ll say it. For now, I deny any accusation that may appear in that document. “This is what I can say here and now and I will always repeat,” he added.
Regarding the treatment with the officials of his department, Rodríguez has described it as “excellent and of mutual respect” and, regarding whether he has ever had a confrontation with any of the workers, he has assured that “not beyond vehemence or the discussions that can occur in any workplace when you are talking about professional topics. No further.”
The opposition calls for his immediate dismissal
After hearing the news, the insular group of the PSIB-PSOE has demanded the “immediate” dismissal of Rodríguez. The socialist spokesperson, Catalina Cladera, has been “very concerned” about some “very serious” events and, consequently, has demanded the president of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés, to immediately dismiss the Minister of Tourism. “We cannot in any way allow a councilor with this description given by the media to be a high-ranking official,” he stated.
Likewise, he has demanded that Galmés appear publicly to explain if he was aware of these events and, if so, why he has not acted sooner and “allowed all of this.” He has also made reference to the alleged “favorable treatment” in the case of the Mallorcan agrotourism of Sa Talaia Blanca, which “is still open despite the fact that there is a ruling that says it should be closed.” “Let Galmés come forward, explain it to the citizens and take the appropriate actions,” the socialist insisted, while also requesting an internal audit of the department over the last year and a half.
Along these lines, the spokesperson for Més per Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora, has also urged Galmés to immediately dismiss the island councilor, demanding to “immediately clarify responsibilities.” “The facts are extremely serious,” said the eco-sovereignist, who has urged the island president to remove him and “not keep him in office for another minute.” In his opinion, Rodríguez’s behavior is “intolerable” and, consequently, “he has to abandon his management responsibilities.”
Source: www.eldiario.es