A hard message from Greks to his mother, who was in Pohoda…

From Slovakia

This year’s Pohoda festival, which was hit and ended prematurely by an extreme storm, was also distinguished by one story. However, he divided Slovaks into two camps.

Head injuries, bruises of the upper and lower limbs, dozens treated and injured. Two women suffered more serious injuries – fractures of the lumbar spine and pelvis. This is the balance after last week’s devastating storm in Pohoda, which blew down the tents and destroyed the stages.

With the baby in Pohoda

As soon as the shocking information came out, a bright story came to the fore on social networks about how a young mother, who was there with a baby in a stroller, got out of this devastation.

“The mother with the baby in the stroller could no longer keep up. So she just huddled on the sidewalk above the stroller, immediately others joined her and created protection over the baby.” she shared with one from the stories of member of the Bratislava city council Lucia Štasselová.

This event was emotional for some, others could not find a nice word. Many reproached the mother in question, saying that going to such an event with a tiny child at a time when there were also storm warnings was extremely irresponsible. Well, the singer Marián Greksa also had his say, and he gave his mother a hard time.

A fool and a cow

“Hello. I have already read in several statuses the story of a young mother who did not have time to hide at the Pohoda festival and a huge wind caught her in an open area. She couldn’t push the stroller with the baby to safety or at least to the leeward of a car in that wind, so she just huddled over the stroller to protect her baby. When other people saw it, they ran to her aid and covered her and the stroller with the baby with their own bodies. And everyone in the statuses melted over the sacrifice of the mother and the willing rescuers. Yes. They are right about this. It was very right and it was also a beautiful human gesture by the mother and the people who came to her aid. But!,” the musician spoke in the video and continued visibly upset.

“What kind of mother of the year is she who drags her little child to a music festival? And by that I don’t just mean Pohoda, but any festival, even the smallest village festival. I am a musician, I have been playing at various festivals for 40 years. There is always a huge noise, a lot of unpredictable drunks, a lot of drunken deges, heat and dust. So, even if there is no storm, it is not a place for small and, in my opinion, not even for older children. At least up to the age of 15, and I think up to 18, they should only go there accompanied by competent and responsible adults, because they risk eating like pigs, they can have alcohol poisoning, I’m not even talking about mixed drugs, and there is a chance that they will they will settle, even if they don’t want to, they won’t even know about it,”

continued the musician.

“But I will return to the mother of the year. If I were her parent or in-law, she could probably sue me for physical abuse. What kind of fool must she be to expose her own little child to such unhealthy circumstances for the sake of her own good feelings. COW. And my question to the festival organizers. Is it worth the money for the few tickets to let such irresponsible parents into the festival? There really can’t be a ban on entry to the festival for parents with small children? added the musician indignantly. Under his status, many agreed with him.

The fall of the big tent at the Pohoda festival

Source: TASR/Jaroslav Novák

Source: Dnes24.sk

Source: www.dnes24.sk