According to this, Intel’s Core Ultra 200V series would consist of nine models, including a Core Ultra 9 model., citing an unnamed source nicknamed Jaykihn (?), claims to have more precise specifications of the Lunar Lake series coming this fall. According to them, a total of nine different versions will arrive, four in the Core Ultra 5, four in the Core Ultra 7 and one in the Core Ultra 9 family. Remember that all of these are aimed at thin and light machines, so with the exception of the Core Ultra 9, they have a TDP of 17/30 watts (PL1/PL2) and 4+4 cores. The latter is also true for the Core Ultra 9 288V, but the power value of the PL1 is also 30 watts (for comparison: the PL2 of the Core Ultra 100H family is 45 watts).
Among other specifications, the maximum clock speed will be 5.1 GHz for Lion Cove P cores and 3.7 GHz for Skymont E cores. There is also a difference between the models in the performance of the NPU and Xe2-LPG integrated graphics, the former will range between 40-48 TOPS, the latter 53-67 TOPS, and the size of the integrated LPDDR5-8533 RAM will also be different, depending on the model, 16 or 32 GB is added to the machines.
(source: VideoCardz) (+)