A look at the essential guarantees for good health coverage

Choosing a mutual insurance policy for a child is not always easy. It is about having optimal health coverage without paying for unnecessary guarantees. This article gives you several ideas.

Coverage of routine and costly care


Visits to an ophthalmologist and the purchase of a pair of corrective glasses can quickly lead to significant expenses. If your child has vision problems, taking out a mutual health insurance with such a guarantee is therefore essential.

There are several levels of reimbursement for glasses. It is in your best interest to avoid the basic level and choose an intermediate level, or even a maximum level in the case of strong correction. A better reimbursement for optics also allows you a quality frame and specific treatments such as anti-scratch.

Orthodontic care

Fitting a full set of braces and dental follow-up usually costs thousands of euros. However, orthodontic care for children under 16 is sometimes necessary. It is not purely aesthetic.

Healthy teeth in a child ensure good chewing, thus promoting good health. Here again, care is essential.


Although recommended by health authorities, during school trips abroad for example, certain vaccines are not reimbursed by Social Security.

It is therefore important to look at the details of your contract to see if your child’s mutual insurance covers these vaccinations.

Birth and health benefits in the early years

The birth of the child

When a birth occurs, a health insurance company generally pays a birth bonus to the parents. The amount of this can reach several hundred euros.

It’s a real financial boost when you know the price of baby equipment and consumables (diapers, artificial milk, etc.). You have everything to gain by finding out about the birth bonus offered by the mutual insurance company.

Specialist doctors for children

The medical journey during the early years of childhood involves monitoring by many specialists, such as the pediatrician, the neuropediatrician, the neuropsychiatrist, the speech therapist, the ENT or the ophthalmologist. It is not uncommon to have several appointments in a single month.

In this context, having effective health coverage makes it possible to reduce as much as possible the remaining charge after reimbursement by Social Security.

Non-reimbursed paramedical professionals

Some follow-ups may be necessary, but are not always reimbursed. With motor or neurodevelopmental disorders in children, you may need to consult an occupational therapist, a psychomotor therapist or a psychologist. Some health insurance companies offer coverage for this care.

Two keys to choosing the right health insurance for your child

Compare health insurance prices

With so many insurance companies and so many offers available on the market, comparing yourself can be time-consuming. Fortunately, there are online mutual insurance comparison sites like lesfurets.com.

This way, you won’t need to browse websites yourself or contact each company individually. You’ll discover the best mutual insurance for children in just a few clicks.

Look at customer reviews

Finally, remember to look at the reviews left on the Internet by customers. This allows you to learn more about the professionalism of the team, but also to have an idea of ​​the reimbursement times. Quick reimbursements avoid cash flow problems in the event of significant medical expenses.

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Source: www.consoglobe.com