A middle school student and his sister “mistakenly” enrolled in the wrong school

The story is, to say the least, unusual. The interim relief judge of the Cergy-Pontoise administrative court has just suspended a decision taken by the departmental services of National Education.

At the start of the school year, two teenagers, a brother and sister, were assigned “by mistake” to the wrong middle school. They found themselves enrolled in the Plessins-Robinson middle school, located “forty-five minutes by public transport” from their home.

A move in 2024

Their parents had nevertheless indicated that they had moved during the year 2024 and had requested that their children start school at the Colombes college, in the correct geographical area.

In his judgment, the interim relief judge considered that “this erroneous assignment” could have “serious and immediate consequences” on the safety of the adolescents, relate Actu.fr. He therefore suspended this decision, before the case is examined in depth. In the meantime, the brother and sister will be educated “temporarily” at the college in Colombes, closer to their home.

The State was also ordered to pay 1,000 euros in lawyer’s fees.

Source: www.20minutes.fr