A monumental work on the Catalan press (1932)

From the heritage scholar Valeri Serra (Castellserà, 1875 – Barcelona, ​​1938) to The Vanguard (July 28, 1932). Own translation. On October 23, UPF professor Jaume Guillamet presented to the IEC the General historical catalog of the press in Catalan, 1641-1939. A project that completes the work done by Joan Givanel i Mas (Barcelona, ​​1868-1946) with the support of Montserrat Comellas (hemerographic sheets) and the revision of Jordi Rubió.

The 19th century may be remembered as the century of lights, electricity and a number of other inventions, but it is also the age of the press. Samples of incipient periodicals from earlier times reporting various facts or advocating ideas were not widely known. It is in the last century and especially in our land that a press is published that serves as a vehicle for the struggles in favor of the ideals of each community, and since then so many periodicals have appeared that their cataloging will form a monumental work in several volumes. (…) The Patxot Institution, discreetly and generously, has subsidized scientific research and bibliography which, without haste, ensures the publication of works that consolidate and enhance the Catalan hemerographic heritage. One of these works has just seen the light with the title Catalan Bibliography: Press. Its author is the eminent researcher Joan Givanel i Mas. (…) The consultation of this first volume is very satisfactory. It includes, in alphabetical order by toponym, the press of towns included from the entry “Agramunt” to the entry “Barcelona”. Although it is a catalogue, the cards contain data and information that may be of interest to the reader: period of appearance of the newspaper; purposes that determine its publication; who was the director and which collaborators contributed texts or illustrations; the person to whom permission to publish was granted; the printer or printers where the newspaper was published. In other words, a condensed history of each header. The future historian will have in this work of Givanel a reliable source that will supply him with accurate information. The book by Givanel and Mas covers up to 1925. In the 20th century alone, 858 Catalan newspapers have been published. So deep has been the work of raking the ground of ideas that has come to produce a spongy harvest. This patient work of research, arrangement and cataloging, no one else than Joan Givanel could bring it to fruition. His name alone is a guarantee of success in this meritorious scientific achievement. (…)

Source: www.ara.cat