A multi-operated democracy

In a country in which those granted amnesty write their own amnesty, in which those challenged resolve their challenges, and in which those who invoke coexistence only generate division and fracture, Only the obvious can happen: the corrupt defend themselves by calling those who judge them corrupt.. Spain has already turned the tables on its own democracy and the underside is full of insurmountable contradictions. As not to be confused.

Spain is a country in which dictators are not called dictators. In which the same opposition leader who denies the ruler the possibility of governing without budgets affirms that it is possible to do so when he is the one in Moncloa. A country in which legislation is passed so that the secret services stop being secret, and in which fugitives return to the scene of the crime to escape again. In Spain, legislation against hoaxes is legislated based on hoaxes. Spain is a country in which cases are “not cases” and in which a ruler is not criticized for his management, his partners, his transfers or his delirious changes of opinion, but for being handsome.

Spain is a country where being young and not being able to pay for housing is synonymous with the welfare state. Where the trains throw you on a platform, or in the middle of the track, and yet, they are at their best moment ever. Where is They build 285,000 social homes that are neither built, nor are they housing, nor are they social. Where the reactionary and nationalist right is synonymous with the progressive left. Where the liberal right is fascist and ultramontane, and where the progressive left imitates reforms with a Francoist and censorious reek. Spain is a country where an arbitrary rescue of a friendly company, because my wife’s friends are my friends, is called a “participatory loan with variable interest subject to the company’s profits through the “Support Fund for the Solvency of Strategic Companies”. And it is a country where they sell you Anne Hathaway to later find Gracita Morales from Wisconsin.

Spain is a country where personalistic self-power is synonymous with exemplary democracy. Where mandatory sentences are issued whose execution consists of non-compliance. Where the obligation to know the official language is punished and not knowing it is rewarded. Where a Parliament does everything except parley. It is a nation in which the privilege of a territory to have more money in its coffer consists of putting its hand in the pockets of sixteen others, also convincing them that it is a good thing that they lose that money because, man, that is equality and so we all win. A country where solidarity is lack of solidarity, well dressed and combed. Where injustice is fair, grievance is fairness and those scammed with the stamp are the same as always.

Spain is a country in which those who are amnestied write their own amnesty, those who are challenged resolve their challenges, and where they sell you to Anne Hathaway to later find Gracita Morales from Wisconsin

A country where blackmail is called dialogue, extortion is called negotiation, surrender is called consensus, and lies are called democratic values. Where criminals who attack the State model are praised to the point of beatification and violate legality, and in return those who defend the State and legality are criminalized as criminals. A country in which the word ‘no’ at party headquarters is ‘yes’ in Congress, and vice versa. A country in which history is falsified and ceases to be history to reinvent the past to suit the present. A country where combative feminism reduces sentences for sexual offenders instead of increasing them, where equality is measured by criteria of inequality, and where walls do not serve to isolate the enemies of democracy, but to reunite the friends of democracy. totalitarianism. A country, yes, where interventionism is called freedom.

Spain is a nation in which free journalists are only those decided by their Government, which they are. In which the crime of influence peddling of an accused is a crime of prevarication of the judge. In which the influence peddler’s complacency is called honesty and honesty is called judicial repression. A country in which the embezzlement of public funds is an ethical practice if you limit yourself to claiming that you did not have a malicious intention to get rich. A country that invents a legal construct so that diverting public money is actually a morally impeccable and politically exemplary practice. A country where inflation is analogous to well-being and prosperity, and where well-being and prosperity are called fiscal ‘dumping’ and disloyalty. In short, where the unemployed are permanent, discontinuous workers and where revenge is reconciliation.

In Spain, terrorists are promoters of peace, and peace means throwing away the victims, canceling their lives with indecent denialism. A country where what is unconstitutional is constitutional, and what is constitutional, a vestige of Francoism. Where propaganda is political, and “doing politics” is putting gasoline in the car whose trunk you escape from. Spain is a country with administrative capital in Madrid and royal capital in Geneva. A country in which the left is slapped, but always votes the same, and in which the right thinks exactly the same and always votes differently. A country where international terrorists are justified in killing for their land and where democracies are denied the right to defend themselves for exactly the same reason. Spain is a country with territories where Spaniards are immigrants in their own home. Where hate is rewarded or punished depending on the ideology and not the volume of true hate that you exude. And where making elitist soccer stars millionaires is racism.

Spain, in short, is a country where the political minority is the social majority, and the political majority is the social minority. A country that allows itself to have an ‘Agenda 2050’ filled out by idle ministers… with their ‘Agenda 2024’ empty and without content. Paradox after paradox, Spain is what has been a democracy with flawed concepts before a concave mirror. An inverted democracy, upside down, deformed by the botox of this false dialectic. A polyoperated democracy in which the eyelids are lips and the lips are eyelids

Source: www.vozpopuli.com