A new urban space is starting to appear on the radio

The district of Raadi in Tartu is becoming more and more attractive for people, and the greater development of the region still awaits us, said Kaisa Hiire, head of Domus Kinnisvara’s South Estonia region.

  • According to Domus Kinnisvara’s Southern Estonia region manager Kaisa Hiire, many innovations await Raadi. Photo: Liis Treimann

“I think that such a completely new urban space is just starting to emerge in Raadi kanti,” said Hiire in the morning program of Äripää radio. According to him, people have received Raad well, because the city and municipality have contributed a lot to it.

Hiire also said that the influence of location has never played such a strong role in Tartu as it does now.

Interviewed by Hando Sinisalu.

South Estonian real estate expert: A new urban space is starting to emerge in Raadi

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