Apple once again confirms its position as a leader in technological innovation, this time in the field of audio and video. The latest iPhone 16 has undergone rigorous testing at the company’s labs in Cupertino, where Apple tunes its audio and video capabilities. Apple invited the editor CNET Patrick Holland, who had the opportunity to look into these specialized spaces and find out how Apple achieves its famous top quality.
How does Apple test new iPhones?
One of the main test environments is the long-wavelength absorption anechoic chamber. This chamber eliminates all echoes thanks to wedge-shaped foam panels on the walls, ceiling and floor. Here, Apple tests and calibrates the four microphones of the iPhone 16, which, despite their small size, offer sound at the level of professional devices.
The company emphasizes that the iPhone can capture the most faithful sound possible in all conditions, as it is one of the most used recording devices in the world today. Development focuses on a combination of quality and user flexibility. The result is a new microphone component that delivers top acoustic performance.
Perfect conditions everywhere
In testing, Apple also uses a speaker system that plays audio signals while the iPhone rotates. In this way, a spherical sound profile is created, on the basis of which functions such as surround sound or Audio Mix work.
This feature gives users the ability to edit recorded audio to simulate different types of microphones. Testing continues in additional soundproofing studios where Apple conducts benchmark playback with multiple testers to ensure consistent and balanced audio output.
Display calibration for visual perfection
In addition to audio, Apple is also thoroughly calibrating the iPhone 16’s display in a video-focused lab. This large-capacity laboratory includes a giant screen that simulates different lighting conditions, from dark rooms to bright outdoor environments. In this way, Apple ensures that the image on the iPhone will always correspond to reality, regardless of where the user is.
These innovations show that Apple is not only focused on performance, but also on improving the user experience. The latest iPhone 16 thus offers not only top-notch sound and image, but also tools that open up new possibilities for creative work and everyday use.