A rock hit the Polish woman in the head. Mountain rescuers also rescued cyclists and climbers – Domestic – News

On Sunday afternoon, mountain rescuers helped a 28-year-old Polish tourist on the Kyseľ via ferrata in the Temnica section. The man was hit by a loose rock and suffered a serious head injury, knocking him unconscious.

22.09.2024 21:30 , updated: 22:03

As the Mountain Rescue Service (HZS) reported on its website, cooperation was requested from the crew of the Helicopter Rescue Medical Service (VZZS) from Poprad, which picked up an HZS rescuer on board in Čingov.

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“Another group of rescuers headed to the site by land. With the help of an on-board crane, a mountain rescuer was placed near the injured person, who was already conscious,” they added, adding that after providing emergency medical care, he was transported to a place where he could be picked up by air. The man was then airlifted to a hospital in Poprad.

Source: spravy.pravda.sk