A Spanish pilot records mysterious lights in mid-flight
The video recorded by a pilot in full flight
It is not the first time that a pilot alert about something strange that he sees during a flight. On this occasion, Iker Jimenez and Carmen Porter analyze in ‘Mystery News’ he video recorded by the commander from a plane of a Spanish airline during a flight from Cairo to Barcelona on August 17. For more than an hour, it recorded two lights in the sky, flying over Egypt.
“It describes us some lights “They looked like stars, but more intense,” Carmen describes. These lights, as the pilot recounts, turned on and off repeatedly until a total of four were seen simultaneously. But there are more images to analyze in this weekly review of the most mysterious news.
Other Mystery News of the week
The viral video recorded in Mexico in which a small light becomes the shadow of two children, the discovery of salt mummies in Iran or the digital resurrection through artificial intelligence of some people from Extremadura are some of these videos that are going around the world.