The country’s first 600-kilowatt power plant was handed over in Törökbálint charging station, writes the MVM announcement. But this is just the beginning, according to the plans, charging stations with a total capacity of 600 kilowatts, equipped with charging heads of at least 150 kilowatts, will be installed at a total of 10 locations, enabling faster and more convenient charging for customers.

What does this mean in practice?

If you charge with 150 kilowatts, you get a range of 100-150 kilometers in 10 minutes. If you go to a fast food restaurant or have a coffee, for example, it takes roughly 20 minutes, and in that time, enough electricity is delivered to the batteries to cover 200-300 kilometers, if the car can receive it.

These infrastructure developments significantly contribute to the spread of environmentally friendly transport in Hungary, thus helping to achieve the climate and environmental protection goals of Hungary and the European Union, it was highlighted in the announcement.

Mobiliti, which has been cooperating with the Auchan department store chain for years, will implement its investments after the Törökbálint location in Miskolc, and then in the parking lots of the store in Budakalász, Csömör, Dunakesz, Fót, Kecskemét, Maglód, Székesfehérvár and Szolnok.

By the way, Mobiliti 1700 is open to the public from an e-charging point operates a stationary network and has roughly 100,000 registered users.