A teacher’s nightmare? YouTuber launched ChatGPT on the calculator

  • The YouTuber equipped the calculator with a microprocessor with Wi-Fi support
  • Thanks to this, it was possible to run the ChatGPT generative tool on it
  • The calculator also offered applications for communication or viewing notes or images

One of the arguments for banning phones in schools can be the risk of cheating on tests. Especially in this day and age, when students have access to AI-powered tools, the presence of a cell phone near their wards can make teachers a little paranoid. And what will happen when he finds out that is it theoretically possible to get ChatGPT on a calculator…

Calls to hide any electronic devices, including fitness bracelets or “dumpier” models of smart watches, are already heard by many students before handing out written papers. Quite possibly, it is only a matter of time when teachers focus more intensively on, for example, the mentioned calculators and start checking whether they can do something extra. It could easily be enough for that a few more projects similar to the one YouTuber ChromaLock came up with.

I Made The Ultimate Cheating Device

With help microprocessor with Wi-Fi support and a specially designed TI-32 printed circuit board, the TI-84 calculator display could handle ChatGPT whether communication applicationswhich allowed chatting with other owners of the calculator modified in this way. The creator himself suggests that an ordinary student is unlikely to pressure all his classmates to create a cheating calculator, but he could succeed even if he talked one smart friend into it.

Calculator with ChatGPT

The enthusiast also demonstrated image viewer or a primitive note-taking application. The data in it can be accessed even if the teacher decides to erase the memory of the calculator before the test – they can simply be restored download from external serverwhether it’s a cloud machine or your home computer.

Do you use ChatGPT at work or study?

Resources: YouTube, Tom’s Hardware

Source: www.svetandroida.cz