A Tesla catches fire in Greece, firefighters are relieved!

A Tesla Model 3 Highland caught fire in Greece while charging, but initial investigations rule out the battery as a probable cause.

A stunning incident shook an Athens suburb in Greece. A Tesla Model 3 Highland caught fire while it was reload in the parking lot of a supermarket.

An unexpected fire in a parking lot

This fiery scene took place on Sunday September 22, 2024 in Agia Paraskevi, a suburb of the Greek capital. A newer Tesla model started burning at a charging station. The rear of the vehicle was mainly affected by this fire. It destroyed the windows and made melt the tires because of the intense heat.

A photo of this incident was posted on social media by a Greek user. It shows the significant damage caused to the car, but also to the station de recharge which in turn caught fire. THE terminals appear to have been partially calcined.

fire looked very impressive given the photo and the extent of the damage, but the exact cause has not yet been revealed. However, local authorities have opened a investigation in collaboration with the fire brigade which brought the fire under control. According to initial information noted by a firefighter representative, the battery was not affected by this fire. It would be a good news for investigators.

A new Tesla catches fire

When called to an electric car fire, firefighters always fear having to control the flames coming from the battery. When a battery catches fire, each cell in the battery can ignite independently. This therefore creates a very long extinction process and complex for firefighters. Because of this type of problem, many closed car parks have chosen to prohibit access to electric cars. They fear catastrophic consequences of a battery fire.

In the case of this incident in Greece, investigators are directing suspicion towards the cable or thecharging adapter. Even if this Tesla caught fire, several studies show that electric vehicles are less likely to catch fire than thermal or hybrid cars. Moreover, according to data fromEV FireSafe15% of electric car fires occur while the vehicles are trendy at a charging station.

In short, this event recalls the importance of security charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Nevertheless, this Tesla Model 3 Highland suffered serious damage and is surely destined for the scrapyard.

Source: www.autoplus.fr