A third of the fatal victims of the DANA of Valencia died inside their own homes and buildings

The private home became a death trap on October 29, 2024. A total of 76 fatalities from DANA and the floods and ravines it caused died inside homes. That is, a third of the 221 victims identified until this Tuesday, as reported by the Data Integration Center (CID). To these it is also worth adding the 11 victims who died inside residences, and the 28 who were found inside garages.

For none of these victims was the massive alert sent by the Generalitat on the same day of the cold drop useful, both for having arrived late – it was sent at 8:11 p.m. – or for the recommendation of its content, since it requested citizens to refrain from circulating on the streets.

Along with these data on the removal of corpses carried out in different living spaces (elevators, basements and stair landings are also included), it is also noted that 32 bodies were located in field areas, another 31 in the street and 14 on the road; In addition, 6 were found in hydrological spaces such as a river, a boulevard, l’Albufera or on the beach.

By age range, 106 of the dead people were over 70 years old, 7 were under 10 years old, and 2 were between 11 and 20 years old. The rest were between 20 and 70 years old.

The towns with the most victims were Paiporta with 45 dead, Catarroja 25, Valencia 17, Alfafar 15, Massanassa 12, Sedaví and Torrent 11, and Picanya and Benetússer 10. The total number of victims per municipality are as follows: Alaquàs 1 , Albal 3, Aldaia 6, Alfafar 15, Algemesí 3, Alzira 1, Benetússer 10, Buñol 1, Catarroja 25, Cheste 7, Chiva 8, Godelleta 4, Guadassuar 2, Alcúdia 2, Loriguilla 1, Massanassa 12, Paiporta 45, Pedralba 3, Picanya 10, Quart de Poblet 7, Riba-roja de Turia 7, Sedaví 11, Silla 1, Sot de Chera 1, Sueca 1, Torrent 11, Utiel 6 and Valencia 17.

Source: www.eldiario.es