“A total of 101 bodies, only female bodies were selected for sexual exploitation”… 12 years of perverted behavior, what is the mental illness of this murderer?

Amid growing public outrage over the crime of a British man who sexually assaulted and murdered two women and then sexually exploited a total of 101 corpses while working in a hospital morgue without being detected, the British government recently offered up to 25,000 pounds to the victims’ families. A compensation of (approximately 40 million won) was announced. (Photo = Captured from the British Independent report)

Amid the public outrage in British society over the past few years over the crimes of a British man who committed sexual assault and murder two women and then sexually exploited a total of 101 corpses over a 12-year period while working in a hospital morgue without being detected, the British government recently announced that Compensation of up to 25,000 pounds (about 40 million won) was announced for the victims’ families.

According to major media such as the British daily Independent and the Guardian, 68-year-old David Fuller lived an ordinary life, working as an electrician before murdering two women in 1987. He murdered Wendy Nell, 25, and Caroline Pearce, 20, in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, in 1987. At this time, it was revealed that he had sexually assaulted two women and then sexually abused their bodies. This case was called the ‘Tunbridge Wells Murder Case’ or ‘Bed Murder Case’, and it remained an unsolved case until 2020, with the killer never caught. At this time, it was revealed that he had sexually assaulted two women and then sexually abused their bodies.

As his crime was not discovered, Fuller returned to work as an electrician at the hospital in 1989 and gained access to the morgue, using this time to commit sexual assault on corpses. He continued to maintain a stable career, started a home, and lived with his family. He lived with his family in a three-bedroom semi-detached house in Sussex, and it is said that people around him had no idea that he had committed these crimes until his offending was discovered.

However, it was not until December 2020, a long time later, that a clue was found through the analysis of DNA evidence in the murder case of two women, and he became the target of suspicion, and during the investigation, the horrific acts of molestation committed in the morgue were discovered.

The full story of his ugly crimes until he was caught in 2020, and his criminal activities, which he lived while concealing his criminal tendencies for a long time, were rearranged by year based on reports from foreign media.

1987: Fuller murdered and sexually assaulted two women, Wendy Nell, 25, and Caroline Pearce, 20, in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. In both cases, it was confirmed that Fuller first assaulted and then strangled the victims.

1989: Fuller started working as an electrician at Tunbridge Wells Hospital in Pembury. Afterwards, he was able to access the hospital’s morgue and began committing crimes by taking advantage of the lack of closed-circuit (CCTV) TV.

2008 – 2020: Fuller sexually abused at least 78 bodies while working in the morgue at a hospital within Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. The victims included not only an older woman but also a 9-year-old girl.

December 3, 2020: Police arrested Fuller as a suspect in the 1987 murders of two women after reanalyzing DNA evidence to solve the case. During this process, numerous photos and videos of sexual abuse of corpses were discovered in his home. He filmed himself having sexual intercourse with a corpse.

2021: Fuller appeared in court on two counts of murder as well as sexual assault on a corpse, and pleaded guilty to a total of 44 counts of sexual abuse of a corpse. At this time, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. At this point, the number of victims had reached 78, but only 44 charges had been filed. During further investigation and evidence collection, it was revealed that Fuller had mutilated a total of 78 bodies.

2023: Fuller admitted to sexually abusing 23 additional victims between 2007 and 2020. As a result, the number of victims has increased, and the identities of some victims have not yet been revealed. For that additional crime, Fuller was sentenced to an additional four years in prison. The judge sentenced him to additional prison time, saying he had no regard for the dignity of the dead and that his actions were an unprecedented evil in legal history.

Sexual exploitation of 101 corpses… ‘necrophilia’, a mental disorder that causes sexual desire for corpses

According to major British media reports, the number of bodies that David Fuller sexually mutilated over a 12-year period is more than 101. He was initially found to have mutilated 78 bodies and later admitted to sexually abusing a further 23 bodies. Of these, 13 have been identified, while the remaining 10 have not yet been identified.

Family members of the victims who learned of Fuller’s crimes testified in court about the extreme psychological pain he caused their families. The daughter of one of the victims described her shock when she discovered she had been sexually assaulted just hours after her mother’s death.

The British government has launched an independent investigation to determine why Fuller went undetected for more than 30 years. Additionally, compensation of up to 25,000 pounds will be paid to the families of about 90 victims.

Meanwhile, necrophilia, as demonstrated by David Fuller, is a type of mental illness in which a person has a sexual desire for a corpse. It is characterized by sexual obsession or desire for dead bodies, and from a psychotic perspective, necrophilia is sometimes classified as a serious sexual deviance. It is reported that it may be linked to certain mental disorders, trauma, or deep sexual impulse control problems.

Freud also believed that this sexual deviation could be interpreted as an unconscious desire for death or an impulse to cross the boundary between life and death. In modern psychiatry, it is classified as one of the paraphilic disorders.

Some necrophiliac behaviors may be related to a distorted need for power and control, interpersonal insecurities, and fears of intimacy. It may also be accompanied by mental disorders such as lack of empathy, narcissistic personality disorder, or antisocial personality disorder.

This type of paraphilic disorder can be treated through psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and in severe cases, drug treatment may also be used.

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Source: kormedi.com