A woman sued Tesla because her husband used the car’s technology to harass her. Lost. Now a law will force brands to prevent this from happening again.

Las connectivity and geolocation technologies in cars can be converted into weapon for abusers and harassers. If they have access to the car’s system, which may be common for a couple, they can monitor the victim, track them or chase them. Even if you have a restraining order.

It was the ordeal that a woman suffered with her husband, whom she had denounced for abuse and sexual assault. He ended up suing Teslawho did nothing to restrict access to the abuser’s car. This is going to change in California: A new Law will force brands to allow these systems to be deactivated. Predictably, it will extend to the entire US.

From making our lives easier to a nightmare for victims of abuse

Connected systems provide remote or car tracking optionswhich can be very useful in case of theft or to find the whereabouts of someone missing. But they can also become a useful tool for a stalker or abuser to stalk, harass, monitor or intimidate the victim.

After numerous cases, and as part of a general regulation To protect victims of abuse in California, this new law will nip this possibility in the bud.

Potential harassment tool. One of the cases that this new Law has encouraged is found in a woman, resident in San Francisco and who had a restraining order against her husband for abuse. Both she and her spouse owned a Tesla Model X, meaning he had access to the car and all its features, including geolocation.

He used this technology to harass her repeatedly. He even opened the electric SUV, leaving there a baseball bat that he had previously used to threaten her. And among the remote functions that many cars now include is opening and closing doors.

The woman repeatedly asked Tesla to disable her husband’s access to the carboth before and after the restraining order is issued. The brand pointed out that this was impossible, since he was listed as a co-owner of the car. He ended up suing the Californian company, but lost the case due to lack of evidence to determine that her husband used the car’s functions to harass her.

The promoters of this regulation point out that similar cases have occurred with at least one other Tesla model, as well as in cars from other manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz. But in general any car with this type of technology is susceptible to being a powerful harassment tool. That is, the vast majority of current cars.

Tesla Remote Features
Tesla Remote Features

In four years, cars will have to be able to disable remote and GPS tracking functions. This new regulation will require car manufacturers to allow abusers or harassers to deactivate access to the car’s remote technology, as well as to easily deactivate GPS location.

After requesting it from the victim, who must prove it with the required documentationthey will have a period of two days to do so. This documentation could be, for example, a restraining order or a judge’s ruling, as well as car ownership papers in which the abuser or harasser appears as the owner of the car. Thus, the promoters of this Law defend, will protect potential victims of domestic or sexist violence.

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The regulations will come into force in July 2025although it gives manufacturers room to include this technical novelty. All cars manufactured since January 1, 2028 must have access to this deactivation, and those designed between July 2026 and that date with updates that allow it.

For now, this bill, approved by a large majority, will give the green light to this regulation in California. But given that it will force technological modifications in cars, it is expected that it will spread to the entire US or brands would have to produce different units depending on the state where they are sold. Which is never profitable.

Source: www.motorpasion.com