AACC: 15 new CSR-labeled agencies – Study and Barometer > Agencies

The last labeling commission held on July 12, 2024 awarded the “CSR Active Agencies” label to 15 new communication consulting agencies and one new public relations consulting agency. In addition, eleven agencies also renewed their commitment.

To date, 140 agencies have been awarded the CSR Active Agencies label, including 117 communication consultancy agencies currently in the process of being certified, including 55 members of the AACC and 23 public relations consultancy agencies. This label, created in 2018 by the AACC and AFNOR Certification, is awarded to agencies through a labeling process that assesses their level of commitment to CSR. Candidate agencies must complete a questionnaire divided into four main themes: vision and governance, performance of services, human resources and social aspects, and environmental impact of the agency. AFNOR Certification audits each piece of evidence submitted by the agency. Three levels are distinguished: 1 star (committed level), 2 stars (confirmed level) and 3 stars (expert level).

Source: www.e-marketing.fr