Accident in Strangolagalli, woman overturns with tractor in countryside and dies

Tragedy this morning early in Strangolagalli, where a 73-year-old woman died in a tractor accident in the countryside. The agricultural vehicle overturned, crushing her under its weight.

A woman died in a tractor accident in the countryside in the municipality of Stranglecocksin the province of Frosinone. The dramatic episode dates back to the early morning of today, Tuesday 16 July, the victim is a seventy-three year old local, whose personal details have not been released, for whom unfortunately there was nothing that could be done to save her life.

According to the information learned at the time the events occurred, it was around 6 am, the woman taking advantage of the fact that it was not very hot yet was in the countryside in the Fonte Lella area and was driving the tractor. Suddenly, for reasons unknown and still being ascertained, perhaps due to a difference in level in the field, the agricultural vehicle overturnedcrushing her under his weight. When the call to the Single Emergency Number 112 arrived, medical personnel arrived on site with an ambulance, but every attempt to revive the woman was in vain.

Death occurred almost instantly. The Carabinieri of territorial jurisdiction of the local station intervened at the scene of the accident and carried out the usual checks. After the checks on the spot, the body was transferred to the morgue and was then returned to the family for the funeral.
