According to a recent leak, two PlayStation 6s may be in development –

It is quite possible that following the example of the Xbox, the blues will immediately come up with two consoles.

Sony’s more powerful console, the PlayStation 5 Pro, hasn’t been released yet, but rumors are already swirling about the next generation of the blues’ machine, the PlayStation 6. A few days ago, it was leaked what the manufacturer considers important during the development of the beefier machine, and it was also mentioned that AMD could once again design the chip for the PS6.

The other day, a leaker who used to provide reliable information spilled another exciting detail about Sony’s tenth generation console.

A KeplerL2 user named a NEOgaf wrote on the forum that two SoCs (system-on-chips, i.e. single-chip systems) are currently being developed for the PS6, although it is not yet clear what exactly this means for the console.

“There are currently two SoCs in development for the next-gen console, I don’t know if it will be like the Series X/S situation or say a combination of a home console and a handheld, but one will certainly be more affordable.”

– said the leaker.

According to rumors, the next-generation Xbox will have a handheld version in addition to the “main” console, so it is possible that PlayStation will do the same for the new machine. The leaks of the last few months lead to the conclusion that the blues are working on a full-fledged independent handheld console – which is most comparable to Valve’s Steam Deck – and this may coincide with the current rumors.

No matter how credible the leaker is, his words should be treated with strong reservations. It is also important to keep in mind that Sony’s plans may have changed in the meantime, so it is not at all guaranteed that the manufacturer will prepare two consoles for the generation change.
