AEP leader: “It is an OE without ambition, although with positive signs” – Companies

The president of the AEP board of directors, Luís Miguel Ribeiro, says that the State Budget for 2025 “is a budget without ambition”, which is why, if he voted on the proposal, he would opt for abstention, but he expects that there will be room for if we go a little further in terms of specialty.

“It is a budget without ambition, although with positive signs, in the sense that it is necessary to value the creation of wealth, the role of companies and, mainly, the disposable income of people and families so that we can have necessary and available human resources, which is one of the greatest challenges we face in our country today”, said Luís Miguel Ribeiro, in an interview with Negócios and Antena 1.

“If we don’t have more ambition, we will continue to have a country with low indicators of wealth creation and which will continue to have difficulty growing and keeping up with the rest of the countries in Europe, given that Europe itself is already having a very complex situation “.

Luís Miguel Ribeiro, who assumed the presidency of AEP, described as the largest business association in the country, in 2019, however, is hopeful that “many things can still be improved” during the discussion on a specialty basis.

This week’s guest on the Conversa Capital program, the manager points out that “a greater drop in IRPJ”, to go to 15% in 2027, or the “revision of Income Tax bands”, would be two measures that could lead him to rethink o “vote” towards approval of the OE.

“It is incomprehensible, for example, that the intention is to increase salaries by 4.7% and that the IRS levels are only updated by 4.6%, so it has to be at least in the same direction, but it should be even more We need to give companies the opportunity to reward those who produce more, reward those who contribute to the companies’ good results and not always tax those who work more, who have the ambition to earn more, who want to progress more, because those are the ones. highly penalized”, he stressed.
