After days of deadliest strikes, promises to continue / Day

Thousands of people are trying to leave areas in southern Lebanon, heading deeper into the country towards the capital Beirut, after Israeli strikes on Islamist militant groups on Monday Hezbollah targets were the highest number of people killed in 24 hours since the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollahreports AFP. The Lebanese Ministry of Health announced that Israeli strikes on Monday in the south of the country, in the Bekaa Valley in the east of the country and in the south of Beirut (concentrated in these areas Hezbollah militants and weapons) at least 492 people lost their lives, including 35 children and 58 women, 1246 people were injured.

Call for evacuation

The Israel Defense Forces announced late Monday that they had launched more than 1,600 strikes in 24 hours. Hezbollah purposes in Lebanon. The Israeli army has also called on people in Lebanon to leave the places where they are Hezbollah objects. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also appealed to Lebanese civilians in a recorded video message, urging them to heed the telephone warnings received from Israel to leave homes where civilians are located Hezbollah objects as they are likely to be targeted with precision strikes. “Take these warnings seriously. Please leave the danger areas! As soon as the operation is finished, you will be able to safely return to your homes,” Netanyahu said.

The Lebanese government has announced that it has set up 89 temporary shelters in schools and other public buildings to house more than 26,000 people fleeing Israeli strikes, reports Reuters.

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