After heated on-screen debate: Marie Bjerre brings a wanted list

Marie Bjerre is a politician and Minister for Digitalization and Equality for the Liberal Party. But she is also the mother of two daughters aged 3 and 5. In both one and the other function in life, she has followed the debate about the impact of screens on children and young people, which has increased in intensity in the past year.

But there is something in the collective conversation that she has missed and now brings a request for:

“Where are her parents? Where is the personal responsibility?’, asks Marie Bjerre.

“What has filled the debate is regulation and prohibition. You will not hear me saying that we should regulate less, in fact quite the opposite. But not many politicians have dared to say out loud that there is also a great deal of parental responsibility in this. The state cannot and must not regulate everything, and we cannot regulate ourselves out of all problems. We can tighten our grip on the tech giants, hold them accountable, issue fines and demand that they remove harmful content. But if the children are still sitting five or six hours a day on separate screens, then the unhappiness will be palpable, because the children miss out on physical communities”, continues the minister for digitalisation.

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